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Results 55741-55750 of 184,431 sorted by author
[ Philadelphia, September 1, 1794. On February 1, 1795, Bray presented to the Treasury Department his “Account with the United States” for “provisions and forage furnished various parties of the division of the New Jersey Militia … pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury as contained in his letter of the 1st Septr 1794.” Letter not found. ] Bray was the contractor at New...
I have received a letter from Colonel Ogden requesting that Wilmington may be appointed as a Company Rendezvous in the place of New Castle, I will therefore thank you to instruct the Agent of the War Department to have the contract made for the former place. with great respect I am Sir Your obed Servt. ( Df [two], in the handwriting of Philip Church, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to communicate to the President an authenticated copy of the Contract for the last Loan made in Holland, for three millions of florins, bearing date the 9th of August 1792, at a rate of four per cent interest, of which Contract a ratification of the President as heretofore, is required. LB , DLC:GW . For the enclosed contract, see the...
I have had the pleasure of receiving your favour of the instant. Baron Steuben will do me the honor to deliver you this. He waits upon Congress in a temper, which I very much regret—discontented with his situation—and almost resolved to quit the service. You know we have all the best opinion of this Gentleman’s military merit, and shall of course consider his leaving the army as a loss to it....
I have the honor to send you the enclosed papers, in order that you may see what grounds I gave my Sanction to the Expenditures made by Capt. Ellery. be apprised of the subject of them. I request that you will add your Sanction if lest the want of it should be an obstacle with the comptroller— With great respect I have the honor to be Sir Yr. ob. Servt. ( Df , in the handwriting of Ethan Brown...
[ Philadelphia, June 23, 1794. On October 1, 1794, Jordan wrote to Hamilton : “Your letter of 23d June … I received but yesterday.” Letter not found. ]
I have to acknowledge the rect. of your lette r of the 22d. Inst. with the inclosed monthly recruiting return &c. The recommendation of Mr. Brow n in the room of Capt. Chew was forwarded and I will make inquiry respecting the result, concerng. what has been done in the matter But I request you to consider whether at this late Stage of the business the appointment of Mr. Brown to succeed Capt....
I ha You have already been instructed to put your regiment under marching orders. They will immediately proceed to their destination on the Potowmack in the vicinity of Harpers ferry, taking the route by Frederick Town. The contractors on the road will furnish you with the necessary supplies. I am advised that an advance of two months pay will be forwarded as soon as the forms of office can be...
[ Philadelphia, April 2, 1792 . On April 26, 1792, Keais wrote to Hamilton : “I this Day was Honored with the Receipt of your Letter of the 2nd Instant Covering A Commission … as Inspector of the Revenue for this port.” Letter not found .] Keais was collector of customs for the port of Washington, North Carolina, and superintendent of stakage in Pamlico and Albemarle sounds.
I this moment received the favour of your letter of the 16th instant. I partly agree and partly disagree with you respecting the deficiencies of your constitution. That there is a want of vigor in the executive, I believe will be found true. To determine the qualifications proper for the chief executive Magistrate requires the deliberate wisdom of a select assembly, and cannot be safely lodged...