55731From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Redman Coxe, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I have duly recieved your favor of the 23d. and am happy to learn that you mean to favor the...
55732From Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Your’s of the 24th. has been recieved; and the most important object of it anticipated by mine of...
55733To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ai recu votre lettre et vos dépêches .—J’ai lu celle dont vous m’avez permis de prendre...
55734Memorandum from Christopher Ellery and Joseph Stanton, Jr., 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Persons worthy to be appointed Commissioners of Bankrupts in the State of Rhode Island &c—...
55735To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
In pursuance of the President’s request , the Secretary of the Treasury, submits the following...
55736To Thomas Jefferson from William Helms, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
By the Judiciary Law just passed the two houses of Congress, the appointment of Commissioners of...
55737To Thomas Jefferson from William Jones and Joseph Clay, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
As the Judiciary bill now pending before the Legislature invests the Executive with the power of...
55738To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas McKean, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
As the power of appointing Commissioners of Bankrupts is at last vested in the President of the...
55739From Thomas Jefferson to John Milledge, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Milledge and incloses him an itinerary from hence to...
55740Enclosure: Itinerary from Georgetown Ferry to Edgehill, 30 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Itinerary from Georgetown Ferry to Edgehill from George town ferry to (1.) Thomas’s (blacksmith)...