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Results 5551-5600 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
5551 Franklin, Benjamin Huntington, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Huntington, 10 August … 1780-08-10 AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress Having but just been acquainted with this Opportunity...
5552 Lee, Henry Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Lee, 9 March 1795 1795-03-09 I trust you have got back to New York where I hope among many delights which will encircle you,...
5553 Chaumont Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Chaumont, 16 January 1777 1777-01-16 ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Bernier et gourlade qui vendent avec moy la fregatte que...
5554 Washington, George Laurens, John From George Washington to John Laurens, 10 July 1782 1782-07-10 The last Post brought me your Letter of the 19 May. I must confess that I am not at all...
5555 Jefferson, Thomas Carey, Mathew Thomas Jefferson to Mathew Carey, 27 January 1812 1812-01-27 The Parliamentary Manual, originally compiled for my own personal use, was printed on the...
5556 Washington, George General Orders, 30 May 1781 1781-05-30 The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolves. By the United States...
5557 Thacher, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Thacher, 30 March … 1791-03-30 Biddeford [ District of Maine ] March 30, 1791 . “… The Bonds which Mr. Cutts gave the Collector...
5558 Washington, George Lamb, John From George Washington to Col. John Lamb, 25 September … 1780-09-25 Letter not found : to Col. John Lamb, 25 Sept. 1780 . Lamb wrote GW on 26 Sept. : “Your favor of...
5559 Adams, John August 26. 1796. Fryday. 1796-08-26 Cloudy. Wind. N.E. but not rainy. The shower last night has refreshed Us. The Corn, the Gardens,...
5560 Washington, George Schuyler, Philip From George Washington to Major General Philip … 1778-11-16 By a Letter from Genl Hand of the 13th, which came to hand to day, I received the disagreable...
5561 Washington, George Commanding Officer in Philadelphia From George Washington to the Commanding Officer in … 1777-01-24 My situation will not admit of the smallest delay in dispatching & forwarding to this place all...
5562 Huntington, Jedediah Madison, James To James Madison from Jedediah Huntington (Abstract) … 1805-05-16 16 May 1805, New London . “In compliance with your communications of the 2d. & 4th: of this...
5563 Moore, Alexander Monroe, James Alexander Moore to James Monroe, 28 January 1814 … 1814-01-28 § Alexander Moore to James Monroe. 28 January 1814, Washington. “At the request of several...
5564 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 4 March 1811 1811-03-04 This Letter is devoted to one Subject. Since the Death of Judge Cushing there has been frequently...
5565 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Anthony Wayne, 10 May 1789 1789-05-10 I did myself the honor of addressing your Excellency in April, by Genl Jackson, & have since that...
5566 Madison, James Ambler, Jacquelin From James Madison to Jacquelin Ambler, 4 October 1788 1788-10-04 Please to pay to the Honble. Edward Carrington or order two hundred and fifty dollars and charge...
5567 Madison, James Executive Pardon, 12 October 1811 (Abstract) 1811-10-12 12 October 1811, Washington. JM remits the sentence of death imposed 12 Aug. 1811 by a...
5568 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1819 1819-03-06 Your favor of Mar. 3. came safe to hand, with the seeds you were so kind as to send with it. I...
5569 “Camillus” The Defence No. X, [26 August 1795] 1795-08-26 The object of the third article is connected with that of the second. The surrender of the posts...
5570 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 19 … 1814-02-19 Yours of the 5th. and 9th are received. My Eyes and my hands forbid every unnecessary Word. I...
5571 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann, Sr. From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, Sr., 4 … 1790-02-04 The marriage of your son with my daughter cannot be more pleasing to you than to me. Besides the...
5572 Hamilton, Alexander Skinner, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Skinner, 2 August … 1791-08-02 [ Philadelphia, August 2, 1791. On August 12, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Skinner and referred to “my...
5573 Huntington, Jedediah Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Jedediah … 1780-11-01 As to reinforcing the southern Army from this, (the first Matter proposed by your Excellency to...
5574 Ellery, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 16 December … 1793-12-16 Newport, Rhode Island, December 16, 1793. “I received your private and confidential letter of the...
5575 Tucker, George Madison, James George Tucker to James Madison, 21 October 1831 1831-10-21 I am sorry to say that I have not been able to find, among the papers of R. H. Lee, deposited in...
5576 Harrison, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Harrison, 2 June 1781 1781-06-02 I have the pleasure to Inform your excellencie that the Provision required for the Western...
5577 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 February 1772] 1772-02-22 22. Wind very fresh all the forepart of the day from the Southward Melting all the Snow in the...
5578 Washington, George Lincoln, Benjamin From George Washington to Benjamin Lincoln, 27 April … 1782-04-27 Finding the Commissioners appointed to liquidate the accounts of Monies due for the maintenance...
5579 Riedesel, Friedrich Adolph (Adolf) von Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Riedesel, 17 … 1779-01-17 I hope your Excellency has received my Letter dated from Newburgh, and which I forwarded to Head...
5580 Willing, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Willing, 30 November … 1789-11-30 Yours of the 25th. did not reach me till yesterday noon. I call’d the Directors at 9 oClock this...
5581 Washington, George La Luzerne, Anne-César, chevalier de From George Washington to La Luzerne, 5–6 May 1780 1780-05-05 Two days since I had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s letter of 29th of April. The polite...
5582 Washington, George Dana, Francis From George Washington to Francis Dana, 9 June 1778 1778-06-09 I was favoured with a resolution of Congress of the 4th Inst., by which you are appointed to...
5583 Washington, George Commissioners for the District of Columbia From George Washington to the Commissioners for the … 1793-06-13 This letter will be put into your hands by Mr Lear, who is well known to one, or more of you. He...
5584 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 17 July 1807 1807-07-17 My last unofficial letter was of June 22d. My last publick dispatch (of the 14th. Inst.) by...
5585 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 September 1770] 1770-09-11 11. Cloudy with appearances of Rain but none fell.
5586 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Nathanael … 1776-07-27 I have examind the prisoners and find them to be a poor parcel of Ignorant Cowardly fellows. Two...
5587 Gunby, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Gunby, 27 June 1789 1789-06-27 As there Will be under the New Goverment a number of Offices to dispose off, some of greator, and...
5588 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 31 March 1804 … 1804-03-31 31 March 1804, London. No. 32. “I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of...
5589 Biddle, Clement Washington, George To George Washington from Clement Biddle, 8 August 1785 … 1785-08-08 Letter not found: from Clement Biddle, 8 August. GW wrote Biddle on 17 Aug. : “Your letter of the...
5590 Briggs, Isaac Madison, James To James Madison from Isaac Briggs, 16 May 1812 1812-05-16 Having had, for a considerable time past, opportunities of observing the rapid progress of...
5591 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Franklin, Benjamin The Marquis de Lafayette’s Note Containing Vergennes’ … 1782-09-11 AD and copy: Library of Congress Vergennes had advised the American commissioners against...
5592 American Commissioners Hamilton, William The American Commissioners to William Hamilton and John … 1778-11-11 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received your...
5593 Jefferson, Thomas Fox, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Fox, 6 February 1816 1816-02-06 I have duly recieved your favor of Jan. ___ informing me of your intention to publish the result...
5594 Elmslie, John, Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from John Elmslie, Jr., 29 March 1802 … 1802-03-29 29 March 1802, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. Has supplied the American merchant ship Equator with...
5595 Randolph, Edmund Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Edmund Randolph, [17 April … 1794-04-17 The Secretary of State has the honor of informing the Secretary of the Treasury, that the...
5596 Crafton, Robert Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Crafton, 11 March 1771 1771-03-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you (as an American) have not caught that epidemical...
5597 Polson, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Polson, [ca. 20 July … 1788-07-20 When I had the honor of being Introduced to your Excellency at Paris in May 1785, you were so...
5598 Hamilton, Alexander Delany, Sharp From Alexander Hamilton to Sharp Delany, 29 March 1790 1790-03-29 You will please to obtain a certificate from the Cashier of the Bank of North America, expressing...
5599 Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 6 … 1780-06-06 Yesterday brot to my Hand your Favr of the 1st instant—The Circumstances of our Infomation fm N....
5600 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 8 May 1810 1810-05-08 Mr. Bristed, in his Hints, p. 389 to 413, has published some account of an affair which he says...