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Results 55251-55300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL : American Philosophical Society Sage salue et Embrasse Monsieur francklin, auquel il envoye...
Ppe Liebert enciennement capn au Regiment de Monsieur Mozes Hazen commissonner le Seize fevrier...
General Washington presents his Compliments to Doctr Thomas requests the favour of his Company at...
The inclosed contains the latest intelligen c e from Europe—if the Governor is not a t...
I have often been desirous of writing to thee, but could not be reconciled to the Thoughts that...
55256Memorandum Books, 1782 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 2. Pd. Ned 1/—Jupiter 3/. 3. Pd. Tom 1/. 4. Mr. Bryan receives 355 ℔ pork gross. 5....
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je n’ai pas voulu me distraire; mais j’ai L’honneur de...
Reprinted from Jean-Louis Giraud Soulavie, Mémoires historiques et politiques du règne de Louis...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sans avoir l’honneur d’être connu de vous, j’ose prendre la...
His Excellency the C t . De Florida Blanca in Acc t . Curr t . With His Excellency John Jay on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je serois tres flatté que Monsieur francklin voulut bien...
ALS : American Philosophical Society D’après L’honneur de La votre du 29. Passé, j’ay adressé à...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who know so well the public & private obligations we...
Printed invitation: American Philosophical Society La R∴ L∴ des Neuf-Sœurs fera sa rentrée,...
AD : Library of Congress Went to Court; which was full, as usual on New-Years day. Visit with the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd your last Favour dated 5 November 1781 favd by Master...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai engagé les artistes qui ont exposé des ouvrages aux...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me to express my sincere Wishes for your Health &...
55269General Orders, 1 January 1782 (Washington Papers)
Contracts having been made for Supplying the Troops of the United States at various posts with...
Archibald McCallister Esqr. was appointed a Lieutenant in the Maryland line early in the...
I received your favour of the 14th of November by Mr Brownson. You cannot be at a loss to know...
In my last I did mention to your Excly that a fleete was preparing to sail—I Could not form any...
I was honored with yours of the 24th ultimo yesterday.—Have this day called for the returns of...
By recent Advice from Eggharbour, several armed boats, with a number of men, are fortifying on...
RC (Virginia State Library). Written and franked by JM. Addressed to “His Excellency Benjamin...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
I have the Honor of receiving your Excellencys Letter of the 26th Ult. An american Gentleman...
Copy: Library of Congress The Bearer of this Letter Capt. Archibald McCallister has been an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Inditer hereof, void of Formalities in which he...
55280General Orders, 2 January 1782 (Washington Papers)
Captain Rochfontaine is appointed a Member of the Court Martial whereof Major General the Baron...
Agreeably to your Excellencys Orders to us directed, We have inspected the Horses of Colonel...
I am to inform your Excellency that in the evening of the 21st of Decr last a number of sailors...
I embrace, with very singular pleasure, an opportunity of testifying my sense of the Gallant...
As it has been always my earnest wish to pay every attention to the situation of Prisoners, and...
The great uneasiness I had for Mrs Crawford when in Williamsburg, pressed so hard upon me that I...
Yours of yesterdays date I have rec’d, and am much Obliged by the Intelligence it conveys. The...
I have the honor to inform Congress that the detachments, supposed to be destined for...
Impressed with a lively sense of your Merits and wishing to give a proof of my favorable opinion...
I sincerely congratulate your Excellency, on the signal sucess of the Campaign. If America can be...
Yours of the 29th of November did not reach me ’till within these few days, when I immediately...
Yesterday were presented to me two other Bills of Exchange on Mr. Laurens drawn 6th. July 1780,...
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Yesterday were...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Serai venu vous rendre plutot mes devoirs mais jen ai été...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I now inclose to your Excellency the Letters mention’d in my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society That Agreable to the Contents of our last letter in date of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A person has been named to me for some time past, as about...
I have received yours of the 27th Ulto. It appears by accounts from General Forman that the Fleet...
I have recd your favor of the 29th ulto and was pleased to find inclosed so full an acquittal of...
The embarkation mentioned in yours of the 26th Ulto did take place and has sailed, Supposed for...
I will thank you for a copy of the instructions given to major-general McDougdale when you...