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Results 55231-55260 of 184,431 sorted by author
I request that you will cause me to be furnished with the following Statements Viz 1   A...
Your letter of the eighth of July has been delivered to me. The articles of which you speak have...
I have received a letter from Capt Nathaniel Freeman of the 4th instant of which the following is...
[ New York, June 15, 1795. On June 18, 1795, Wolcott wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your...
You will probably recollect that previous to your departure from this place, anticipating the...
Ports Amount received. Clerk hire charged Rent, Fuel, Stationery &c Nett amount of Emoluments....
The present situation of the United States is undoubtedly critical and demands measures vigorous...
A considerable time since Mr. Francis Cashier of the Bank of North America delivered me the...
By the direction of the Committee I transmit you the inclosed letter. I doubt not Sir you will...
I have received your letter of the twenty fourth of January enclosing a General Return of...
Inclosed I transmit to you, the Copies of three several petitions of Jacob Quincy, and John...
[ Head of Elk, Maryland, September 5, 1781. On September 6, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth...
I have duly received your letter of the 21. instant and beg you to accept my thanks for it. The...
Amount of monies appropriated by an act of the 11th. of February 1791, making appropriations for...
I have received your letter from Washington, my wishes in every thing accord with yours. I shall...
Letter not found: from Alexander Hamilton, 11 July 1795. In a postscript to his letter to...
I have received your letter of the nineteenth instant. It is regular that any representation...
I send you copies of two letters one from me to The Collector of Charlestown of September 4th &...
The President has accepted the resignation of Captain Thomas Chandler, expressing, at the same...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to The President, sends him for...
I Alexander Hamilton of New York acknowledge to have received of Benjamin Tallmadge , Treasurer...
Be so good as to let me know whether a person has been engaged for the purpose we conversed about...
The bearer John Meredith having been summoned sent, by my direction, to attend Court Martial at...
You will cause McGregor to be furnished with the requisite Certificates from the Capt. of his...
I have directed the Treasurer of the United States to draw Bills upon you, for five hundred...
[ Philadelphia, February 24, 1783. The description of this letter reads: “Referring to a plan for...
[ New York, December 6, 1787. On December 6, 1787, Hamilton wrote to Angelica Church “I this...
Yesterday, My Dear Sir, The Convention made a house. That day and this have been spent in...
I have expresed it as my opinion to the S of War that Col. Strong was the person entitled to...
[ Philadelphia, December 13, 1790. On January 17, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “On my return...