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Results 55201-55230 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL (draft): Library of Congress I received your very sensible Letter of the 14th past. Your...
DS : American Philosophical Society Monten des caraters fourni par bery a Son eclence le docteure...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour to remit your Excellency per my letter of...
I have been in this City upwards of two Weeks, & yesterday to my great surprize was committed to...
In compliance with your several request’s of 8th October, I have inclos’d a Certificate from...
The exercise of my duty in the Inspectors Department during the last Campain having afforded me...
A few days ago I took up the estimates which you put into my hands for examination, and had made...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Decr. 29. 1781.” I cannot give you a word of news,...
RC (Virginia State Library). This memorial was enclosed in the delegates’ letter of 8 January...
Vous avez desiré Monsieur que des que je serois arrivé a Versailles je communiquasse a Monsieur...
You have desired, sir, that as soon as I should be arrived at Versailles, I should communicate to...
I am informed by Joseph Gilpin Esq: a Justice of the Peace at the Head of Elk, that an inhabitant...
I am exceedingly sorry for the accident of which you inform me in yours of the 25th. The only...
With mine of the 22d I had the honor to forward the returns of the regiments in quarters here as...
You have enhanced the value of the Trophies with which Congress have been pleased to honor me in...
D : University of Pennsylvania Library Liste des Livres de Mr. Franklin apportés de sa Chambre...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Prends la liberté de vous remettre l’Incluse du Capne:...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je désire Monsieur, que ma lettre arrive aussi mâtin que...
AL (draft): Columbia University Library; copies: Columbia University Library, National Archives,...
LS : Library of Congress; L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copies: Henry...
55221General Orders, 31 December 1781 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial whereof Major General Baron Steuben is President is to assemble on...
Monsieur Galvan entered the service of the United States as a Lieutent in the 2d Regt of South...
Allen McLane Esqr. was appointed a Captain in one of the Sixteen additional Continental Regiments...
I do myself the honor to inclose the duplicate of a letter, which I had written to your...
Since my last of the 19th inst. I have recd information, which does not admit of a doubt, that an...
I have received your favour of the 22d Instant, and have consulted the Secretary at War upon the...
My last to Your Excellency was on the 16th inst. I have since that received information that an...
I have recd your favor of the 18th—I have no objection to your taking either Mr Fonda or Mr Ray...
I learn from Marq s . DYranda that my Letter to You of the 21 Ult. had ^ has ^ reached You. The...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Madison jr Esqr Philadelphia.”...