Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Lewis Littlepage, 16 June 1802

From Lewis Littlepage

Fredericksburg—16th. June 1802.


With many excuses for the liberty I took in importuning you with my private affairs, I have to entreat you to inclose to me the sealed paper which I left in your hands in December last. I hope shortly to see you on my way to the North, and in the mean time have the honor to be with the highest respect

Sir, your most obedient humble Servant

Lewis Littlepage.

RC (MHi); at foot of text: “Thos. Jefferson—President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 18 June and so recorded in SJL.

IN DECEMBER LAST: Littlepage to TJ, 23 Dec. 1801, to which TJ replied on the same day (Vol. 36:194).

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