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Results 55171-55200 of 184,431 sorted by author
Treasury Department, August 13, 1792. “The President having signified to me his intention to...
Our citizens are extremely anxious that some further measures for their defence should take...
I have received your letter of the sixth instant, and have taken measures for having you supplied...
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 19th Instant, with the inclosures therein...
Philadelphia, May [ 12 ] 1793 . Transmits “the Copy of a letter of the 23d of April last from the...
I have received your letter of the nineteenth of this month. It is a delicate point to determine,...
In announcing to you Mrs. Hamilton’s acceptance of your obliging present and conveying to you the...
At a Meeting of the Secretary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Secretary at War and the...
His Excellency desires you will put a stop, by every mean in your power to the above practice....
I have received your letter of the fourteenth instant. It would have been proper, when the...
Treasury Department, December 23, 1790. Discusses qualifications of various candidates who have...
The best reply that I can make to your letter on the subject of the Eliza’s Cargo is, to furnish...
Inclosed in a letter which I have just received from poor Fenno. It speaks for itself. If you can...
55184For The Time Piece, [22 May 1798] (Hamilton Papers)
A most unprovoked & wanton attack upon me appeared in the Time pi[e]ce of yesterday under the...
Inclosed are discharges for Nine Soldiers unfit for service. You will be pleased to examine them...
[ Treasury Department, April 17, 1790. The description in the dealer’s catalogue of this letter...
I have the honor to enclose for the consideration of the Board of Directors, the draft of an...
I enclose for your information a letter which I have received from Mr. John Bray of New Brunswick...
The bearer of this is Mr. Genti , my Cook, a very respectable man in his station. He has charge...
M r. Hamilton will have the honor of Dineing with the Vice President on the 30 th. of June...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to an...
I have received your letter of the twentieth of January, and forward ed it with such observations...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I have written to the Secretary of War on the subject of a...
I beg leave through you, to observe to the House of Representatives, that the statements...
New York, February 13, 1787. On this date Hamilton reported on behalf of a committee of which he...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to The President & encloses the draft of a...
[ New York, February 23, 1790. On this date the Speaker laid before the House of Representatives...
[ New York, September 2, 1790. “I cannot let the Packet go my Dear Friend without dropping you a...
I have the pleasure of your private letter of the 26th of August. The feelings and views which...
Your letter of the seventh instant has been received. I have upon reflection, thought it...