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Results 55141-55170 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Not being honord with any of yours I referr to my last dispatch No. 89 under 15 Inst. ⅌ the Essex. I Yesterday reced: two Letters from Consul Simpson of Tanger dated 17th. & 18 Inst. of which you have anexd Copys. The Emperour of Morrocco not only renews his Demands for Pasports for to send wheat to Tripoly, but wants to take out the Tripolin Ship blocaded here under his Flag, for particulars...
j’ai l’honneur de vous adresser, Ci-incluses, deux lettres, l’une de mr. de la fayette, l’autre de mr. de liancourt; j’avais une grande ambition de vous les remettre moimême.—nommé par le premier Consul sous-commissaire des rélations Commerciales de france à Newport, mon projet était de vous aller offrir mon hommage et solliciter moimême Votre agrément. Vos vertus personnelles, Monsieur le...
List of Collectors, who have not rendered accompts up to the 31. December 1801. Joseph Hiller, Coll: Salem Accts. rendd. for 1801 3d qr. 1801 Samuel R Gerry, " Marblehead " " 1.  do. Joshua Head, " Waldoboro’ " "
Being at the City of Washington the latter end of the siting of Congress, & in the house whare Arthor St. Clare, as I understood, with a Major Zigler , & a Number of Men from the N. Western Country, whare St. Clare is govener, I apprehended that they ware treasenably inclined, from there discorse, in several evenings that I set in the next room, St. Clare said that Thomas Jefferson, the...
Il vous souviendra peut etre qu’il y a environ quatre ans, que je prenais la liberté, de m’adresser a vous par lettre , souhaitant de trouver un emploi chez vous et sous votre toit que je pencais alors ne pouvoir trouver dans toute l’Amerique. Jetais alors dans l’idée que vous avies une jeune famille Je m’offrais sous le titre de faire les fonctions de Gouverneur aupres d’eux pour veiller a...
In pursuance of an Act of the last Session of Congress, authorising the President of the United States to appoint Commissioners of Bankruptcy in the several districts composing the United States, he has selected yourself together with John Broome, William Edgar, Jonathan Pearsee junr., Daniel D. Tompkins, Nathan Sandford, Abraham G. Lansing, Nicholas V. Quackenbush and Georg Merchant Esquires...
The President having called on the heads of Departments for their opinion in writing whether certain charges made by Col. Worthington against Governor St. Clair, be or be not established; and whether such as are established, be sufficiently weighty to render the removal of the Governor proper? the Secretary of State respectfully submits his opinion as follows; Charge 1. Forming new Counties &...
Mr Taylor, having had the Measles, could not draw the Bill & Answers ’till lately since which I have been indisposed myself. All the Answers are made out, except Nelly’s, & hers will be ready in a few days. You, Myself & the grand children are Dfts. and answer seperately. Mr Taylor has drawn the Bill very full & I trust will bring the case fully before the Chancellor. If Council shd. be...
Le citoyen Pichon à [ sic ] l’honneur de présenter Ses respects à Monsieur Madison et de lui adresser copie. 1e. d’une lettre qu’il vient de recevoir de l’ordonnateur en chef (quarter Master general) de l’armée de la République française à St. Domingue qui répond, comme le verra Monsieur Madison, à diverses lettres écrites à l’administration de St Domingue par le Cen. Pichon au Sujet des...
As you requested me to be silent respecting New Orleans until the affair was in train, I have scrupulously kept the council, and should not now obtrude the remembrance of it upon you but for circumstances of some moment to me. By the last post my Brother informed me that my sister Harwood and family intended me a visit this summer, and would shortly make preparations for that purpose. Now if...
With respect to the bank of Pensva, their difficulties proceed from excessive discounts. the 3,000,000 D. due to them comprehend doubtless all the desperate debts accumulated since their institution. their buildings should only be counted at the value of the naked ground belonging to them; because if brought to market they are worth to private bidders no more than their materials, which are...
I wrote you the 14th. Ult. in answer to your’s of the 5th. of the same month in which, Agreably to your Request, I named John Goddard Esqr. and John McClintock merchants, Henry S. Langdon, and Charles Cutts, Esqrs. Lawyers, all of this Town, for Commissioners of Bankruptcy, as there has no appointment yet taken place, I am fearful my letter, miscarried; have therefore taken the liberty to...
The President having called on the heads of Departments for their opinion in writing whether certain charges made by Col. Worthington against Governor St. Clair be or be not established; and whether such as are established, be sufficiently weighty to render the removal of the Governor proper? the Secretary of State respectfully submits his opinion as follows; Charge 1. Forming new Counties &...
In answer to your Letter of the 16th Instant I have the honor to inform you that, altho’ I have attended the Office constantly, and used my utmost endeavors, since my appointment as Superintendant, to raise money by sales of the public Lots to discharge the claims against the City, I have not been able to sell but one Lot, for which I could not get more than $350, about one half the price...
Your favor of the 12th. has been duly recieved, and with that pleasure which the approbation of the good & the wise must ever give. the sentiments it expresses are far beyond my merits or pretensions: they are precious testimonies to me however that my sincere desire to do what is right & just is viewed with candour. that it should be handed to the world under the authority of your name is...
Your letter of the 10th. has been received, and I am duly sensible of the favor of your attention to the calumny which was the subject of it. seeing the impossibility that special vindications should ever keep pace with the endless falshoods invented & disseminated against me, I came at once to a resolution to rest on the justice & good sense of my fellow citizens, to consider from my general...
On my return last evening from Philadelphia whither I had been for a few days I had the pleasure of receiving your confidential letter of the 14th inst.:— On the subject of the memorials transmitted to you relative to our collector, I will candidly give you all the explanation in my power. The delicacy of my situation in this business absolutely requires that you should preserve it within your...
18 June 1802, Naples. Takes the opportunity by the frigate Boston , Captain McNeill, which is about to sail, to enclose a statement of all American ships that arrived at Naples, Messina, and Palermo between 1 January and 30 June 1802. Has heard from Captain McNeill that Morocco declared war on the U.S. and has informed all U.S. consuls in the Mediterranean. Adds in a postscript that he just...
18 June 1802, Liverpool. “I had the Honor of presenting you with the State of this market for American produce on the 5th ulto. In this you have the prices of the day for the same, as well as of other articles of import from the United States.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Liverpool, vol. 2). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Maury. Enclosure (1 p.; docketed by Brent) is a printed...
18 June 1802, Executive Department, Louisville, Georgia. Encloses an act of Georgia, passed 16 June, ratifying the articles of agreement between the commissioners of Georgia and the U.S. concluded 24 Apr. 1802. Tr and Tr of enclosure, two copies ( DNA : RG 46, President’s Messages, 7A-E1; and DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 7A-D1); letterbook copy ( G-Ar : Executive Department Minutes). Tr...
The Frigate Boston of the United States Capn. Mc.Neill being ready to sail this evening, I avail myself of this opportunity to send you a Statement of all the Ships belonging to the U.S. which came to this Port, and those of Messina, & Palermo since the 1st. of January last till the 30th. of June. I am very sorry to hear from said Capn. that Morocco has declared war to the U. S. I have...
I had the Honor of presenting you with the State of this market for American produce on the 5th. ulto. In this you have the prices of the day for the same, as well as of other articles of import from the United States. With Perfect Respect I have the Honor to be Sir Your most Obedient Servant. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of...
Your favor of the 13th . is recieved. the samples of straw floor cloths are beautiful, especially the finest one; but would not answer for the purpose I have in view which is to lay down on the floor of a dining room when the table is set, & be taken up, when the table is removed, merely to save a very handsome floor from grease & the scouring which that necessitates. the straw would fur up...
The Bank of Pennsylvania applies for relief—they fall regularly 100,000 drs. per week in debt to the Bank U. States, on account, as they say, of the deposits on account of Government made in the last. For a sketch of their situation compared with that of Bank of U. States, see the within paper—Their cashier is here come on purpose for assistance. In addition to the effect of Governmental...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to General Littlepage, and according to the desire expressed in his letter of the 16th. this moment recieved, he sends him the sealed paper deposited in his care. he shall be happy to see Genl. Littlepage here according to his intimation. RC ( ViHi ); addressed: “General Lewis Littlepage Fredericksburg”; franked and postmarked. PrC ( MHi );...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Lovering and observes that the employment of the funds destined for furnishing the President’s house, is confided by the legislature to mr Claxton solely. he knows however that those funds are all but exhausted, and thinks it probable mr Claxton can contract no new engagement on them. PrC ( ViW ); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. PRESENTS HIS...
Agreeably to my promise I now send you a list of the persons best qualified in my opinion for the office of Commissioners of Bankruptcy at this place, As you have been pleased to express a wish to include me in the commission, I do not feel disposed to disappoint your expectations, by declining to receive the appointment. Accept Sir a tender of my warmest acknowledgments for the repeated...
I recieved, my dear daughter, your’s of the 13th . by post. I regret extremely the situation of your family, not only for my disappointment here, but for what they are to suffer. I acknolege that, knowing when I came away the measles were in the neighborhood, I saw it was but too possible your visit here would be delayed. as it is, we must agree to the fall visit, and as Maria will be at...
The Public Papers having announced your arrival in the City; I take the liberty to address you upon a little business I have there which I beg the favor of you to negociate. By a Contract with the Post Master General I am to receive $476 dollars per Ann. for carrying the Mail at quarterly payments; the first quarter will end the last of June; I enclose an order for the Money; which you will...
I have the honor, in compliance with your request, to submit to your consideration, my ideas respecting the case of the schooner Peggy. This vessel, if the information I have been able to collect, abroad, is correct, for it does not appear from the papers I am furnished with, was captured in the neig[h]bourhood of a west India Island, and so near the shore, and so destitute of arms, as to...