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Results 551-580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I find it necessary to be more fully informed as to some particulars attending the case stated to me by Messrs. Warder & Co. on the 6th. Instant. It is said in your Notes and additions to their statement that the Teas were surveyed by the Wardens with the consent of the Collector. I wish to know, if the appointment was made by you according to the directions of the 16th. Section of the then...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The most upright Intentions cannot command Success. The Shallow Ken of Man cannot penetrate into futurity; and cannot therefore ascertain what is, or is not most beneficial to Societies. What we have here to do, is to act the most consistently with our Judgment of Circumstances. I know you have done this. Britain is most certainly hurting herself by an...
your Letter of the 2 Ins t was rec d in due course, & this answer defered So as to meet you at poplar Forest . your Reasoning has produced no change in my opinion, as to your Right to call for the last payment of the Land—nor can I forbeare Remarking that your Letter Seems not to have been written in that Temper of which you are so charracteristick. I assir’d you that Scott had Sued both you &...
I have received your Address and a Copy of your association, by the Hand of the Speaker Mr Dayton. Your Feelings of the keenest Sensibility on account of the many and deep Wounds which have been inflicted on your Country by the Republic of France, must be approved by the coolest reason of every honest Man and faithful American. The Dedication of yourselves to the service of your Country, in...
555[Diary entry: 3 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear in the forenoon with a slight shower for a few minutes about 2 Oclock; afternoon Wind Southerly Mer. 81.
Yesterday I received your favour of the 19 th. and learn with Pleasure your design to pursue your valuable History of New Hampshire. The Anecdote of “Positive Proof from Holland that military Stores, to the amount of 400,000 £ st. were ordered and purchased from N. America,” is wholly unknown to me. that Col Lee of Marblehead ever “rec d or dispersed” any stores I never heard nor that he was...
I had proposed writing by the present opportunity, before I received your letter of Jany the 1st on tuesday last. Return you my most sincere thanks for your good wishes. The second volume will be printed off I expect by the end of the week after next. The first begins with the settlement of the several colonies, & comes down to & takes in the Lexington engagement. The second finishes with the...
Mr. Hammond starts three to one against you. RC ( DLC : TJ Papers, 79: 13729); undated; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Dec. 179[1]. Recorded in SJPL under that date. Washington’s note was a commentary on George Hammond’s 30 Nov. 1791 letter to TJ on alleged American violations of the Treaty of Paris.
Mr Wagner not being yet returned from Bale., I do myself the Honor of forwarding to you such letters as I have thought might be interesting to you, and a large package of News-papers. Among the letters, you will find two from Genl Armstrong and the Copy of an answer to that of the oldest date, which I took the liberty of writing to him yesterday. I have just written to him again, acknowledging...
18 November 1812. “I transmit … copies of a communication from Mr. Russell to the Secretary of State. It is connected with the correspondence accompanying my Message of the 12th instant, but had not at that date been received.” RC and enclosure, two copies ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 12A-D1; DNA : RG 46, President’s Messages, 12A-E2). First RC 1 p.; in the hand of Edward Coles,...
The inclosed case of Thos. Norris I first observed in the Aurora, and consider it a duty to have it enquired into,& on obtaining credible testimony, to make it the subject of representations to the British government. as I imagine he must have applied to you with his papers, could you find means to invite him to send me his own affidavit in due form, with as many others as he can procure to...
Cards—& other Play Dr 1772 Feby 28— To Cash lost at Fredericksburg 2. 3.6 Mar. 2— To Ditto lost in Williamsburg . 8.9 13— To Ditto lost in Ditto 1. 0.0 16— To Ditto     Ditto 3.10.  17— To Ditto     Ditto .15. 
I very reluctantly enclose you the list of Medals furnished by D r Mease from a fear that the answer to his enquiry may prove of some inconvenience. M r Madison will carry with him the Volume of plates of which I Spoke to Monticello , together with a print of the lately finished and much admired front of the Louvre in Paris . RC (
Inclosed you will receive the proceedings of a General Court Martial, of which I had the honour to preside. Should you discover, in our proceedings, too much lenity; I hope you may ascribe it to the peculiar Situation that Recruiting Officers are placed in; and not want of a due Sense, that crimes of Such magnitude, Should be punished, in the most exemplary manner In the Instance of Trusler...
Having understood from you, that it was your intention, to appoint a person as Quarter Master to the detachment of Militia of this State, about to assemble, and march, and confiding that the person whom you may choose will be both capable and trustworthy, I propose, as a matter of simplicity and convenience, to commit to him the procuring of Waggons for the transportation of every thing...
The enclosed letter from the clerk of the H. Delegates will inform you that the marquess’s thanks to the assembly have been presented. The resolution directing the Bust was order’d to be carried into execution by the commercial agent who was soon after dismiss’d from office, it never came to my hands till I sent for it yesterday, I will endeavour to have it comply’d with tho’ like other...
Since I did myself the honor to address you on the fourth instant, another letter from the Commissioner of Loans for the State of North Carolina has been received, of which a copy will be found in this inclosure. From this last communication it appears, that he is disposed to make an experiment of the office, which, I beg leave to observe, is a pleasing circumstance, both as it insures the...
My Brother has gone this Morning to Baltimore, he has taken with him his Eldest Son, not quite recovered from a Violent Cold, and Swelling in his throat. he will find his youngest Son dead, (he died on Saturday night.) and his only Daughter, extremely Ill, without a hope left of her Recovery. a Dropsy in the Brain is Suspected. her head has been Shaved & Blisters were applied—His Distress &...
Letter not found: to Robert Adam, c.13 Jan. 1774. On c.13 Jan. 1774 Adam wrote to GW : “I am favoured with yours.” GW’s missing letter of c.13 Jan. was in answer to a letter from Adam dated 12 January .
⟨The⟩ Critical Situation of our Affairs ⟨and the move⟩ments of the Enemy make some ⟨further & im⟩mediate Exertions absolutely ⟨necessary—In⟩ order that you may have the ⟨fullest Repre⟩sentation and form a perfect ⟨Idea of what is⟩ now necessary, I have desired ⟨Colo. Reed to w⟩ait on You, and must refer ⟨You to him for⟩ Particulars. I am with great Respect & Regard Sir Your Most Obedt & Very...
571[Diary entry: 25 February 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 25th. Thermometer at 32 in the Morning—48 at Noon and 46 at Night. Calm and clear Morning. Wind Southerly afterwards which occasioned a considerable thaw. Mr. Fairfax going away directly after breakfast I rid to the Plantations in the Neck—at Muddy hole and Dogue run. At the first (that is the Neck) the Women were grubbing & fencing along the Creek. At Muddy hole doing the same. The...
I am just informed that Mr. Francis X Martin has been named to the President as a proper character to fill a vacancy on the bench of the Orleans Territory, and am desired to commmunicate to Our Senators in Congress such knowledge as I Possess of his Character. He is a frenchman, as you know, but I think him a correct Lawyer & a man of honesty & integrity. His standing at the bar has been very...
I have the honor to submit to you, the pleasing information of a treaty with the Wabash indians; and which appears to have been a general one. After you shall have perused them, they shall be copied, to be laid before the two houses. Mr Bradshaw says, there were upwards of seven hundred indians present —He came by the way of Kentucky, and says that he understood that about twenty people had...
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh; Your exaltation, has so perfectly fulfilled my wishes, and gratified the strong feelings of my heart, I cannot suppress the sentiments which it inspires: Having long indulged a belief of “the high destinies of our country,” this event seems an additional omen, and brightens the glorious hope.—The ruling characters of the world have...
The following gentleman are proposed to your consideration, as Candidates for military Agencies : (viz) For the Northern Department Peter Gansevoort , of Albany. For the middle Department William Linnard of Philadelphia. For the Southern Department Abraham D. Abrahams of Savannah. I have the honor to be, Sir, with high consideration, Yr. Obt. Servant RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by...
I wrote you last on the 24th. since which yours of the 20th. is recieved. I must begin by correcting two errors in my last. It was false arithmetic to say that two measures therein mentioned to be carried by majorities of 11. would have failed if the 14. absentees (wherein a majority of 6. was ours) had been present. 6 coming over from the other side would have turned the scale, and this was...
We refer to what we had the Honour to write yoúr Excellency the 24 th. of this month. Since we received your much esteemed favoúr of the 19 th. Inst t: whereby yoú Excellency was pleased to sent ús half a dozen Passports to be used by ús. we are much obliged for yoúr Excellency’s attention, & Shall make the needfull use of ’em, if it happen we want any more we Shall be free with the permission...
The letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 16th of October only came to hand the 28th of last month. My particular acknowledgments are due to you for your recollection of and attention to me; and I pray you to be assured of the pleasure I felt at hearing that the place lately filled by Mr de Marbois, near the Sovereignty of these States, was so happily supplied—On this...
I labour under Many Afflictions On Acct of the Orphans, Money is Such a Scarce Article amongst us, that there are scarcely coming at any, the Rents & profits of the Estate wou’d (could they be Collected) plentifully Answer all demands—but Fortitude & Patience is my only resource—However in the space of two or three Months I hope to be able to remit £200—I have Sent a Small Supply at present of...
Taking them up in their order, they appear susceptible of answer in the following way. The 1st. and 2d. by a concurrence of sentiment for the maintenance of the constitution, and preservation of peace, and the pleasure with which the President recieves their assurances of support in these objects. 3. Notice of the expressions of their personal respect . 4. Approbation of their expressions of...