Results 551-580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I find it necessary to be more fully informed as to some particulars attending the case stated to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The most upright Intentions cannot command Success. The...
your Letter of the 2 Ins t was rec d in due course, & this answer defered So as to meet you at...
I have received your Address and a Copy of your association, by the Hand of the Speaker Mr...
555[Diary entry: 3 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear in the forenoon with a slight shower for a few minutes about 2 Oclock; afternoon Wind...
Yesterday I received your favour of the 19 th. and learn with Pleasure your design to pursue your...
I had proposed writing by the present opportunity, before I received your letter of Jany the 1st...
Mr. Hammond starts three to one against you. RC ( DLC : TJ Papers, 79: 13729); undated; endorsed...
Mr Wagner not being yet returned from Bale., I do myself the Honor of forwarding to you such...
18 November 1812. “I transmit … copies of a communication from Mr. Russell to the Secretary of...
The inclosed case of Thos. Norris I first observed in the Aurora, and consider it a duty to have...
Cards—& other Play Dr 1772 Feby 28— To Cash lost at Fredericksburg 2. 3.6 Mar. 2— To Ditto lost...
I very reluctantly enclose you the list of Medals furnished by D r Mease from a fear that the...
Inclosed you will receive the proceedings of a General Court Martial, of which I had the honour...
Having understood from you, that it was your intention, to appoint a person as Quarter Master to...
The enclosed letter from the clerk of the H. Delegates will inform you that the marquess’s thanks...
Since I did myself the honor to address you on the fourth instant, another letter from the...
My Brother has gone this Morning to Baltimore, he has taken with him his Eldest Son, not quite...
Letter not found: to Robert Adam, c.13 Jan. 1774. On c.13 Jan. 1774 Adam wrote to GW : “I am...
⟨The⟩ Critical Situation of our Affairs ⟨and the move⟩ments of the Enemy make some ⟨further &...
571[Diary entry: 25 February 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 25th. Thermometer at 32 in the Morning—48 at Noon and 46 at Night. Calm and clear Morning....
I am just informed that Mr. Francis X Martin has been named to the President as a proper...
I have the honor to submit to you, the pleasing information of a treaty with the Wabash indians;...
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh; Your exaltation, has so perfectly fulfilled...
The following gentleman are proposed to your consideration, as Candidates for military Agencies :...
I wrote you last on the 24th. since which yours of the 20th. is recieved. I must begin by...
We refer to what we had the Honour to write yoúr Excellency the 24 th. of this month. Since we...
The letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 16th of October only came to hand the...
I labour under Many Afflictions On Acct of the Orphans, Money is Such a Scarce Article amongst...
Taking them up in their order, they appear susceptible of answer in the following way. The 1st....