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Results 551-600 of 184,431 sorted by author
I this morning Received yours of March 7 favourd by Dr. Jackson. I rejoice to hear you are so...
We have public worship every Sunday in the Representitive’s Chamber in the Capitol; I have just...
The day after my Son reachd home I wrote to you and requested you would inform me what I was...
How much is comprised in that short sentance? How fondly can I call you mine, bound by every tie,...
Tis a month this day since you left me, and this is the first time I have taken my pen to write...
I received your kind Letter of march eleventh yesterday. I wrote to you last week which was the...
The Mountains have vanished, and the ground is again bare in most places. the roads are excessive...
I immagine before this reaches you some very important Event must take place betwen the two...
I received yours of Nov br 4. on thursday last. Brisler and his Family got here the same Day &...
560July [24–]25 (Adams Papers)
We left this village and proceeded on our way to Blanford where we put up for the Night. Saw...
At the Bath hotel I received my dear Neices Letter of April. I have told your Sister and other...
I congratulate you and the Lady to whom you are united upon your Nuptials, and most sincerely...
The President received your Letter this morning dated 5 Feb’ry. the Rule of the former President...
The Death of my Mother which took place this afternoon very suddenly, will prevent my Sitting out...
I acknowledge the receipt of Your two favors one of the 9th and one of the 13 th . I am sorry You...
I hear the Alliance is again going to France with the Marquis Fayett and the Count de Noiales. I...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of the raspberry bushes, and the pot of strawberry vines, for...
I was yesterday at Weymouth where I received your Letter, and the saffron risbands &c. I thank...
I received your two Letters together of August 26 th . I have every day since designd to write to...
The die is cast. Yesterday brought us such a Speach from the Throne as will stain with...
Captain Lyde is arrived and I have 3 Letters by him, one from Doctor Tufts one from Dr. Welch and...
By a vessel going to Liverpool I write You a few line’s with the hope that the communication may...
Commencment being finish’d some of your cares for my Family will be lesned. I esteem it amongst...
I just write you a line to day, to tell you we are well, and to inclose Letters from my Family....
I will not let a vessel sail for Hamburgh that I know of, without taking a few Lines from me, if...
I received your kind letter of February 12th, as well as one, by Mr. Storer, of February 2d. I...
I received your kind Letter of December and was surprized to find that my Letter should convey...
It has been no small mortification to me since my arrival here, that I have not been able to hold...
Gen’ll Marshal expects to sail tomorrow Several Days sooner than I expected, and the weather has...
The publick Advertiser— Yesterday Lord Gerge Gordon had the Honour of a long conference with his...
If the Compass by which my course is directed does not vary again through unavoidable necessity I...
I was very happy to receive on thanksgiving day the 29 of Nov br. your Letter dated Hartford. I...
I got to Westown on Wednesday by four oclock and was met two miles from Town by Mrs otis,...
Your Father and Col Smith are gone to Night to Covent Garden theatre to See the School for...
585Fryday July 9. (Adams Papers)
A fine day; but little wind; have been upon Deck the chief of the Day, engaged in reading...
How do you now? For my part, I feel much easier than I did an hour ago, My Unkle haveing given me...
I received your Letters of Dec br 31 & Jan’ry the 1 st I am sorry that it should fall to your Lot...
Early in the morning a pilot Boat came of to us from Deal. The wind blew very high and the Sea...
Do you love the Natural sentiments of the Heart Take them then as they flow from the pen of...
I sent Johnny last Evening to the Post office for Letters. He soon returnd and pulling one from...
I ought to have acknowledgd Your kind favour of July 23 at an earlier period; but the heat of...
The sooner mr Black comes to Philadelphia, the better it will be for the Child; as I was...
Your Letter to me by captain Callihan came safe to hand, that to your Sister and others from my...
I wrote you from Providence some account of my polite reception there & closed my Letter just as...
Blessed are the Peace makers, says [a Good] Book, for which you and I, entertain the highest...
I have spent the 3 days past almost intirely with you. The weather has been stormy, I have had...
Indeed my dear Madam my omiting writing to you by my son was not oweing to the abrupt manner of...
I expected to have heard from you by the last post, but was dissapointed, only a few lines from...
It is now the 5th of September, and I have been at this place more than a fortnight, but I have...
I received your kind Letter by mr Brisler who reachd here on the 4th of july, Since which you...