George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Moses Hazen, 6 December 1781

Philada 6th Decemr 1781.


The destination of your Regiment for the Winter will be Lancaster in this State. You will therefore order it to march thither by the shortest Route from the place where this may reach you. If it should be from Christiana Bridge or Wilmington you will probably find Flour Waggons returning which will transport your Baggage upon easy terms unless you have a sufficiency of public Waggons with you. You will upon your arrival at Lancaster, untill you receive more particular orders, mount the necessary Guard over the prisoners of War.

You will either come forward to this place yourself or send one of your Officers with accurate Returns of the Strength of the Regt that the secretary at War may from them give you a compleat supply of Cloathing, which I have the pleasure to inform you we have now in our power to distribute to the brave and deserving soldiers. I am &c.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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