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Results 54921-54950 of 184,431 sorted by author
Parry Hall incloses a Proof Sheet of the Notes on Virginia ; which, with the gratest Respect, and a high sense of Obligation, he lays before the Honble. Mr. Jefferson. RC ( MHi ); addressed: “Honble. Mr. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 25 July 1793. Despite printing a proof sheet , which has not been found, Hall went no further in republishing TJ’s notes on Virginia ( Benjamin Rush to...
In the absence of my brother Jn o E Hall , to whose care this volume has been forwarded, by the author, for the purpose of transmission, I take the liberty of enclosing it to you RC ( DLC ); adjacent to closing: “Th. Jefferson, Esq r Monticello ”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Aug. 1812 and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure not found. Sergeant Hall (1788–1848), printer, newspaper editor, and...
Permit me once more to ask your friendship on so probable a prospect of success, as I think I now have.—Genl. Dearborn is chosen a Representative to Congress from the District of Maine. The Office of Marshall of consequence becomes vacant. I should like to fill the Office; and I think the President would willingly nominate me, if he should think of me. Your friendship therefore in the case...
Portland, Massachusetts [District of Maine], Sir, 14 May 1789. Can you permit me to take up one moment of your precious time in asking a favor! I wish for the Collectorship of duties at the Port of Portland, the Metropolis of the eastern part of the State of Massachusetts. But this Request, I am sensible, must appear both indelicate & improper without some knowledge of me. But how shall I make...
I have not forgot the Chagrin I suffered in not obtaining the Collectorship of Impost at this Port. Mr. Thacher, I suppose, remains my determined enemy; & would gladly see me excluded from any share in collecting the Excise. I wish however to be employed in it. My natural activity I think is no objection to it. I have nothing to say of other qualifications. Those who know me are the best...
Permit me overwhelmed with grief & chagrined at disappointment to beg your kind attention for a minute. I am grieved, because my pretensions to the Office I sollicited were certainly far better grounded than his, who holds the Appointment: I am chagrined, because my expectations were with reason high. I think it not vanity to say I have some degree of personal merit; and some publick Seals of...
Portland [District of Maine] 20 June 1791. Applies for the position of inspector of survey for the District of Maine: “I have so often troubled You with my applications, that I would gladly make even this more concise, lest I become tedious.” ALS , DLC:GW . For Stephen Hall’s previous applications for office, see Hall to GW, 14 May 1789 and source note . GW did not appoint him to an excise...
Having read a pamphlet published here in the Italian language, giving an account of the conduct of the Romans in Greece, under Titus Quintus Flaminius, I was struck with a variety of remarks which may be of use to my Country-men, if translated into English: My particular friends Consuls Appleton & Willis have requested me to under take it; & also another motive stimulates me, however unequal...
We the undersigned, being a Committee, chosen by the unfortunate Citizens of the United States (now prisoners of War confined in this Prison) for the purpose of petitioning your Excellency to continue your indulgence in having them supplied with Coffee, Surgar [ sic ], Clothing &C. &C’. as has heretofore been done. We therefore humbly pray, in the name of said Prisoners, that Your Excellency...
About a month ago, I took the liberty to forward to you, by an American Gentleman of the name of Hays, a translation of a pamphlet, published here in the Italian language; I have not adhered literally to the text, but have taken the licence to make such alterations & additions as are analogous to the present day: I flatter myself, it has, before this, been put into your hands, & conscious that...
A gentleman, by the name of Ridolph Vantravers, well known in the literary world, lately dying at Florence, was buried by me at Leghorn:—Being appointed to act for the benefit of his heirs, of course all his valuable manuscripts & papers have fallen into my hands;—amongst which I find one, that the deceased, in his last moments, gave a particular charge (though verbal only)—should be presented...
I understand that the appointment of Professors in the Central University of Virginia is about to take place, and I take the liberty of offering myself as a candidate for the chair of Chemistry in that institution. Aware of the importance of this station, I have not neglected to collect such testimonials in relation to my qualifications as I hope will be satisfactory. I have to request that...
I feel it my duty to apologise for my procrastination in acknowledging the receipt of your favour of the 12 th Apr. respecting the appointment of Chemical Professor in the new University . I hope, Sir, that this this apparent neglect will not be construed into disrespect towards a Patron of Science. I was not a little disappointed at the account with which you honored me, of the present state...
When you (on behalf of the Manufacturing Society) engaged Me, the agreement stated that my Salary shou’d commence from the time the Society was Incorporated and I have been paid accordingly, at the time I engaged I expected to receive considerable Emoluments from the Profits of the Printing Trade which I have every reason to believe wou’d have been the case if the conducting of that business...
Mr. Mort & myself have examin’d the Delaware as high as Pequest about 94 miles above Philadelphia & have found several good situations. On the Raritan there are none. Our Money running short oblig’d us to come to New York for a supply. We propose going up the Pasaic in a few Days, after which you shall receive a report of our observations. I call’d on Mr. Marshall and deliver’d your Letter. He...
Last night Mr. Mort & myself return’d from the Pasaic Falls. One of the finest situations in the world (we believe) can be made there. The quality of the water is good & in sufficient quantity to supply works of almost any extent. Every thing nescessary as to situation is here to be found. The Lands ly well are shelter’d from the winds & are not subject to inundations. This situation so far...
Agreement between AH on behalf of a certain Society or Comp for establis Manufactures in the state of N Jersey & Hall. The said Hall shall superintend and carry on for the said Society or Company the business of printing staining and bleaching of Cottons and Linnens, in all its parts, upon the like principles and in the like method, as the same is now carried on in the Kingdom of Great...
(You will pleas to excuse the trouble of reading this letter from an obscure Individual) the occation it is this the Island called Bedlows Island in N. york Bay if I am rightly informed, belongs to the united States—A few years past it was partially fortified but has been since Relinqished and is not the use made of to the benefit of the publick or of any individual to that extent that it...
The Enemies of The Honorable John Jay, are now circulating a report injurious to his Character, which we as good Citizens, and honest men, feel our selves bound to contradict.— It is alledged, that M r . Jay in Conversation with us, or one of us, should have said, “that there ought to be in America but two sorts of People, the one very Rich, and the other very poor”— As many of our fellow...
Theas fuew Lineas are to in form you that I have bin a prissnor to this Haspetol thirty two months and am Veary much in want of a freand. my Lands in Dutchus County is Valued at thirty thousands pounds I have Several Hundread Dollars Wages Due mea—may the peace of god which passs all understunding Keape you Hart and mind guyded and Governed in the Right way Sur you most Huble Servant RC ( MHi...
Having seen your plan, for the formation of a Manufacturing Company, and the reasons you have assigned for establishing it in this State, with the Idea, that the plan is too extensive to be carried into full effect in one place to the best advantage to adventurers, induces me to request you to propose to the subscribers, this place, or its Vicinity, for one of the places of Manufactory, and...
[ Perth Amboy, New Jersey, June 3, 1794. On June 19, 1794, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., wrote to Halsted: “Your Letter of the 3d. instant has been by the Secy of the Treasury referred to this office.” Letter not found. ] Halsted was collector of customs at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. The remainder of Wolcott’s letter to Halsted reads as follows: “As the value of the French Assignats has been for some...
4 May 1802, Perth Amboy. States that due to the death of Daniel Marsh, the office of collector of Perth Amboy is vacant. Solicits the appointment and encloses testimonials of his fitness for the position. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Halsted”). RC 1 p.; docketed by Jefferson. Of the two recommendations enclosed (3 pp.), one was signed by two persons, the other by...
The Memorial and Petition of John Halsted Humbly Shewith That your Petitioner a Native of New Jersey had resided Eleven years in Quebec previous to the late war with Great Brittan and at the Commencement of the war possessed a Considerable Property real & Personal there and was at that time engaged in the most profitable business in that Country. That your petitioner then in Quebec feeling...
Brigdr Genl Winds having rode out of town last Evening & previous to his Going, Directed me to Communicate to your Excellency every Intelligence I Might Recieve from Staten Island in his Absence, Now Affords me the Honor of Informing you that I have the following Account from a person Who left the Island last Night & In Whom Genl Winds places much Confidance. the Prisoners Mentioned by Genl...
RC (Virginia State Library). Halsted’s signature at the close of his statement is followed by an unsigned addendum of five lines in a different and unknown hand. The docketing note on the cover sheet erroneously attributes the statement to “Mathew Halstead.” The Subscriber Matthias Halsted of Elizabeth Town in the State of New Jersey, Who was a Prisoner of War & Confined in the Sugar House...
A young Man, who, from his Situation in Life has some Leisure; and who wishes to devote it, to, what he most conscientiously considers, the true Interests of his Country, incloses you a paper, which is intended as the first of a series of the like Tendency & Style. Unknown to, and by, You, it will hardly be considered even a Compliment, when I profess to view your person as the most regularly...
Some time since I did myself the pleasure to wait on you through the Medium of my Friends Messrs Thompson & Veitch, with the present of an old Cheshire Cheese. The gracious manner in which you was pleased to receive it—and the growing respect I feel for your Character—influences me to supplicate your Condescension, to receive another at my hands—which I hope you will be pleased to do. At this...
I have taken the liberty of sending you a fine old Cheshire Cheese—consigned to my Friends Messrs Thompson & Veitch of Alexandria—which I hope will arrive safe and in good Condition. I have requested my Friends to send the Cheese on its arrival to Mount Vernon—and I hope you will do me the Honour to accept it—which will afford me much real pleasure. I feel very much obliged by your Present of...
The increase of the Trade and Navigation of our City to and with the United States of America chiefly promoted since some years by Mr John Ross of Philadelphia and your Excellency’s condescendent offer made in the Commission granted last year to Mr John Parish Our Citizen as Consul of the United States for this Port to accept of any proper person in the same quality that should be recommended,...