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Results 54921-54930 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
LS : American Philosophical Society I have delivered your Excellency’s Letter to Mr. de Neufville, and have written to him myself, making the proposals contained in your Letter to me. He answers me, that he thinks the proposals reasonable: but insists upon it, that he has not the commanding Interest in the Concern, and that nothing can be done but by the Owners at large, or by Mr. Van Harp as...
L or AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. & Mrs. Barclay present their Compliments to Doctor Franklin and will have the honor to Dine with him to morrow. Mr. Ridley will also have that honor. Addressed: His Excellency Benjamin Franklin / Esqr. / Passy We do not recognize the handwriting, which may be that of Mrs. Barclay. The day preceding the first Friday on which Thomas Barclay and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous sommes inquiets, ma femme et moi Sur votre santé. J’ai envoyé, il y a deux mois, une Domestique à Passy, exprès pour vous remettre l’estampe representant le tombeau de la Reine de hongrie: elle nous a dit S’être acquitté de la commission vis avis votre valet de Chambre: nous l’avons crue. Si votre santé vous permet de nous faire Sçavoir Seulement, ou...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have nothing New to write you but presume on your Goodness to Indulge me the Pleasure of Chating to you on Paper, and Teling you I cant Express how happy these Signal Successes of Our Armes has made me; as I flatter my Self it will Facilitate your Return, to your Native Country: oh How I enjoy that Pleaising Idea. I wrote you in my last that I Expected to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society, Historical Society of Pennsylvania S’il est permis de Se prèvaloir d’un moment de connoissance pour s’addresser à Votre Excellence et qu’Elle veut bien se rappeller deux Suisses qui ont eu l’honneur de Lui presenter leurs respets l’été passè dans Son Hotel a Passy, dont le plus petit est celui qui ose encore incommoder V.E. par ècrit, je prendrais la...
54926General Orders, 6 December 1781 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial will Assemble at ten o clock tomorrow morning at the city Tavern for the Trial of Major General Howe upon the following Charges exhibited against him by the Delegates of the State of Georgia in Congress by order of the General Assembly of the said state. Major General the Baron de Steuben will Preside. General Knox Colonels Stewart Lamb Moylan and Humpton and Majors...
I am induced to mention a subject which has already occasioned many discussions. The situation of those Men ought to be attended to, who, by the chance of War, are subjected to the authority of your Sovereign or mine. It is much to be wished that all difficulties in Exchanges be obviated—the expences of maintaining prisoners liquidated—and solid arrangements made to provide for them in future....
By virtue of your Excellency’s disposition of the Troops to winter Quarters, I put my Brigade in motion for their destination, and arrived myself last Evening on the Ground occupyed last Winter by the Jersey Brigade. My Intention in preceeding my Command was, to examine into the state of the Hutts, to know what situation the Qur Mr and Commissary’s Stores might be in, and to make such...
The destination of your Regiment for the Winter will be Lancaster in this State. You will therefore order it to march thither by the shortest Route from the place where this may reach you. If it should be from Christiana Bridge or Wilmington you will probably find Flour Waggons returning which will transport your Baggage upon easy terms unless you have a sufficiency of public Waggons with you....
M r . Jay presents his compliments to the Count de Florida Blanca, and has the honor of requesting his Attention to the enclosed memorial. M r . Jay had the honor of calling at his Excellency’s on Tuesday Evening last, but had the Misfortune of not finding him at home. As M r . Jay wishes to regulate his Visits by his Excellency’s Convenience, he begs the favor of his Excellency to inform him...