George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Josias Carvil Hall, 18 May 1778

From Colonel Josias Carvil Hall

Annapolis May 18th [1778]


Agreeable to my Instructions I shall send off for Wilmington this Week about 300 Recruits.1 I have not yet been to Frederick Town or the Eastern Shore of Maryld where they have more collected. In most of the Counties I believe they will nearly raise their Quotas without the necessity of a Draught. But in a few Days the Term for recruiting expires when I shall be able to form a Judgement with more clearness by the Returns from the Different Counties. The others will then be classed for draughting to make up the Deficiencies when I expect many will produce their Substitu[t]es. So that upon the whole there will be so few Draughts necessary that I flatter myself the Law will take Effect with[out] opposition. I am with the greatest Respect Your Obedient Hble Serv.

Jo: Carvil Hall

ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection.

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