Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Josias Carvel Hall, 14 August 1799

From Josias Carvel Hall

Havre de Grace [Maryland] August 14, 1799. “… The men begin to be urgent for their Pay. To some there is three months due. I had much rather the proper Officer was appointed to this Duty. It is not agreeable to me to tell an Officer, who perhaps can not well afford it, he must lose the Bounty advanced.… Our recruiting money is nearly expended. The Paymaster,1 of the money appropriated to that Purpose, has but $1070 in Hand. Some of the Officers who have not had Success have still some remaining; tho’ very little in the hands of any Individual; Others will require more in a few Days.…”

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Ninian Pinkney, a first lieutenant in the Ninth Regiment of Infantry, was appointed paymaster of that regiment on April 23, 1799 (Godfrey, “Provisional Army,” description begins Charles E. Godfrey, “Organization of the Provisional Army of the United States in the Anticipated War with France, 1798–1800,” The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography XXXVIII (1914: Reprinted, New York, 1965). Godfrey confuses the Provisional Army with the Additional Army. description ends 153).

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