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Results 54911-54920 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have thought it proper to report to you my arrival at this Place as I am within your District & I believe you have the general Superintendency of the recruiting Service. I find this Business paralysed by a Vote of the House of Delegates’ & in which I presume the Senate will concur. In this Event it will perhaps be improper to proceed. I am ready to receive any Communications you may think...
I took the Liberty some Months since to introduce to your Notice Lieut: Campbel Smith of the 1st U.S. Regt. In the multiplicity of Business it has probably escaped your Memory. Permit me again to mention, from my own intimate Knowledge of him, that from his Talents, Education, Industry & Military Habits he is at least as well qualified as any Officer by his Station to discharge the Duties of...
Havre de Grace [ Maryland ] August 14, 1799 . “… The men begin to be urgent for their Pay. To some there is three months due. I had much rather the proper Officer was appointed to this Duty. It is not agreeable to me to tell an Officer, who perhaps can not well afford it, he must lose the Bounty advanced.… Our recruiting money is nearly expended. The Paymaster, of the money appropriated to...
I am sorry to be under the necessity of disingaging Your Excellency’s attention one moment from more important business. I have been so unfortunate as to become the Object of Genl Smallwoods resentment. I Flatter myself that if my conduct shall be thought of importance enough to merit a Court of Inquiry, the strictest will not be able to shew the least want of attention to the duty of my...
Agreeable to my Instructions I shall send off for Wilmington this Week about 300 Recruits. I have not yet been to Frederick Town or the Eastern Shore of Maryld where they have more collected. In most of the Counties I believe they will nearly raise their Quotas without the necessity of a Draught. But in a few Days the Term for recruiting expires when I shall be able to form a Judgement with...
If in the distribution of the Offices necessary to the execution of the new government there should be one suited to my capacity your Excellency will confer a favor by having me in consideration when you are pleased to make the appointment. My absence from home during the war, And consequent neglect & depriciation of my fortune, has made this application in some degree necessary. With the...
On the Death of Genl Williams late Collector for the Port of Baltimore there has been many Applications for that Office, I have no Doubt, & from my Situation & Circumstances I am induced, tho’ with great Difficulty & Reluctance, to add to the Number. I know you can gratify only one: But whether favored or not I shall as usual acquiesce in the Justice & Propriety of your Choice. I do not boast...
Agreable to your Excellencys Instructions I have sent a Return of the Draughts inlisted in the 2d Brig: of Maryld. None of the Regts have recruited any but the 4th and they only two since they received the Money. In recruiting we are confined to our respective Regts & the 4th have no more Draughts worth the Bounty. I have the Honor to be with the greatest Respect Your Excellencys very H’ble...
I have the honor to enclose to your Excellency a copy of the resolution of the honorable House of Assembly of this State, expressing their sentiments on perusing your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th June last past, which agreeable to your desire was submitted to their view and consideration. With them Sir I sincerely and most heartily join; now can I in more emphatical language express my...
The Inhabitants of the town of Hallowell, in legal town meeting assembled, respectfully represent, that being vested by the constitution with a right to address their rulers, and exhibit to them their sentiments on subjects of a public nature; they deem it a duty at this momentous crisis to express their wishes to the chief Magistrate of the Union.   They have perceived with unfeigned...