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Results 54851-54900 of 184,431 sorted by author
From the best Information I can procure here The Composition for lining Cisterns consists of ⅕...
MONTICELLO . Having an introduction to Mr. Jefferson , I ascended his little mountain on a fine...
22 February 1810, “Citizen Office,” New York. Sends JM an account showing $25 due for two and...
54854Enclosure II, 31 December 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
To form a general Idea of the Trade of South Carolina it is necessary to have a retrospect of...
Although it may appear a degree of <pre>sumption in me to address Your Excellency, yet were I to...
I have been recently informed that you have prepared for the press, a new and improved edition of...
Your Subscription to the Law Journal for Vols. 5 & 6 amounting to $10.00 being due—I have to...
Your favor of the 3 rd instant reached me a day or two since. Your wishes in regard to the Port...
I take the liberty of handing you above my account for the Port Folio for the last two years the...
I am confineed in this goal for the want of bail. I will Relate the circumstance to you. I owed...
I understand from some of your respectable acquaintances, that its your wish to clear the shrubby...
Permit me the honour of presenting to your Excellency a copy of a brief history of the...
It is with sentiments of the greatest respect & regard that I presume to address you. I had the...
M ay it please your E xcellency : The Committees of Correspondence and Inspection in the County...
this is the 4th Lr I have wrote you this Campn for all wch have not b⟨een⟩ so happy as to receve...
By the Law for establishing a Mint of The United States I find a Treasurer will be requisite. I...
7 January 1813 , “ Marine Barracks Washington .” Members of the court-martial for Lt. John Brooks...
I make bold to address you & require your Permission to leave the Virginia Regiment, as likewise...
As I understand the Judiciary Sistem is nearly concluded I take the liberty to request your...
I have yr acceptable favr from Mt Vernon—& I sincerely rejoyce at yr beginning to master the...
I wrote you last from New York, & have now to acquaint you Our Fleet arriv’d at this place the...
From your Character for integrity which I have been taught to respect ever since I entered the...
I have to inform you I have been at this Place this 7 days. I have made use of all my...
On my return from an excursion to the eastward I received your letter of the 8 th inst. inclosing...
I was fortunately enabled to procure a copy of “The Proceedings” &c from Judge Cooper , and have...
In a parcel of books which I have just received from my friend Judge Cooper , I find a copy of...
I should have answered your letter sooner, but that I have been kept in almost daily expectation...
Several years since, I formed the resolution of collecting information, from time to time, as...
Having not the honor of a personal acquaintance, you will pardon the liberty we assume in thus...
21 February 1811, Portland. Claims to have made an improvement in the construction of firearms...
Having not the honor of a personal acquaintance, you will pardon the liberty we take in thus...
The grounds on which I presume to address you with the enclosed Proposal; arrising in part from...
Pardon the liberty we assume in thus addressing you, in doing which we feel a peculiar delicacy...
I have respected your laws and your goverment for the younited Stats of merrica and I wish to...
The Officers, who mett at the City of Baltimore by Appointment on the 23d Inst have elected...
Havre de Grace [ Maryland ] June 25, 1799 . “… Your order of the 15th explanatory of the...
A g reeably to your’s of the 20th of Septr. I have used the best means in my Power to be informed...
Yours of the 1 8 th Ult. came to hand only Yesterday. It lay sometime in Baltr. owing to its...
The Paymaster has returned & is employed in paying off the Troops. They will march tomorrow for...
Winhorn an other Deserter has been taken tryed & his Sentence will go forward tomorrow One of our...
Havre de Grace [ Maryland ] June 10, 1799 . Discusses details of recruiting and states: “The...
After experiencing much difficulty, delay & disappointment, I have at length got the recruiting...
I have just received a Letter from Major Hopkins, who has returned from visiting all the...
Our Desaertions — encrease so rapidly that I believe some Examples of Severity will become...
I am this Day honored with your’s of the 19th. & 21st Inst. Capt Norris is now here with his...
The day after I recd your first I wrote as I then informed you I wrote to the Secretary of War...
I have constantly urged the Necessity of Punctuality in Returns to the Major’s. They complain...
Major Beall, I believe, acted as deputy Inspector to the Southern Division of the Army last War &...
Marching Orders have been received from you sometime since & immediately communicated to the...
Havre de Grace [ Maryland ] October 4, 1799 . Discusses supplies, relative rank of officers, and...