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Results 54781-54810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society I presume You have a Copy from Congress of their Instructions to me of the 16th of August: but as it is possible it may be otherwise, I have inclosed one. I have communicated them to the Duke de la Vauguion, who says they are très bien vues, très bien combinées. I shall do nothing in the business, without...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je reçois a l’instant une lettre du grand voisin qui me paroist inquiét et qui me dit que vous l’éstes aussi mon bon papa; rassurés vous mes bons amis mon état est en verité meilleur que je n’osois l’éspérér, le régime que lorry me fait suivre, et le beau soleil qu’il m’a conseillé d’allér chercher me réussissent par merveille; mon ame toujours tendre,...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania Library; al (draft): New-York Historical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives The Marquis de la Fayette who has obtained leave to revisit his family for the winter does me the honor to be the Bearer of this, and duplicates of two former Letters to you. The degree of Estimation in which he is held here you will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The last time I was in Paris I did myself the honour to call at Passy, in order to pay my respects to you, when I was not so fortunate as to meet you: as I should be extremely sorry to experience now the same disappointment, I take the liberty to acquaint you with my being in Paris, and should be very happy if you would condescend to inform me of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Madame De Saint Wast fait mille tres humbles Complimens a Monsieur francklin, Elle Se flatte qu’il n’a pas oublié la promesse qu’il luy a faite de luy faire L’honneur de Venir diner chez Elle Mercredy prochain avec Monsieur son petit fils. Messieurs De La haute et de st. Wast luy font mille complimens; La Santé du dernier est beaucoup meilleure. Addressed: A...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde sorin a l’honneur de faire mil compliments a Monsieur franklin Et de le prier De vouloir Bien avoir la complaisance De vouloir Bien Donner une Demie heure De son tems a M. Desouches ami de Mde Sorin, et qui Desire on ne peut plus vivement jouir de ce Bonheur, Dont il proffitera pour L’entretenir d’objets de litterature qui peuvent l’interresser. Elle lui...
On the 22d instant I arrived at Williamsbourough in North Carolina to which place I had gone in advance of the Troops (leaving them to be conducted from Petersburgh by General Wayne) in order to settle the Route it would be proper to persue and take the necessary measures for provisions. A report had prevailed, for a day or two, that the Enemy had evacuated Wilmington, and there I received...
By the last Post, I recieved from L’Orient a sett of fresh Instructions from Congress, dated the 16 th . of August, and with the more pleasure as I am enjoined to open a Correspondence with your Excellency, upon the subject of them. I presume You have Copy by the same Vessel; but as it is possible it may have been omitted, I shall venture to inclose a Copy, and hope it may pass unopened. I...
Por consideracion á VS. y al Congreso Americano, ha resuelto el Rey que satisfaciendo el Capitan Hill, ó afianzando satisfacer el daño ^ que hizo ^ á una embarcacion nuestra, por cuya causa está detenido, se le dexe en libertad para que se vuelva á su pais quando quiera. A este fin comunico la orden adjunta al Corregidor de Bilbao: y repétiéndome á la disposicion de VS, ruego á Dios le g de . M...
I am this moment honoured with your Letter of Yesterdays date and I thank you for your kind Congratulations, on the News from America. May Great Britain ever Send to America, while she continues to send any, only such brave, able, active and enterprizing Generals as Cornwallis and Burgoine. Every Such General will consume them an Army of Ten or Fifteen Thousand Men, every Campain, without...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ouy Monsieur, jay partagé votre satisfaction. Avec Le plus grand plaisir Dimanche, nous boirons, a nos generaux sy La charmante douariere sy trouvoit avec son fils; que cela seroit heureux: au reste par tout ou je me trouveres avec vous je seres avec un des hommes pour Le quel jay Le plus destime et de veneration The next Tuesday after d’Amezaga’s last...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Marquis La Fayette having been detained by bad Weather a day or two longer than he expected, I embrace the opportunity of saying again that we are all well; I have committed my Letter of the 24th. Inst. with the Newspapers to the care of General Duportail who accompanies the Marquis to France— As they visit their native Country crowned with Laurels,...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Le Cte. de Charlus Qui arrive de L’Amerique a L’honneur de faire Mille Complimens à Monsieur francklin & de Lui adresser Trois paquets que Le Général Waschington L’a chargé de lui remettre; M. de Charlus Sera très empressé à avoir L’honneur de voir incessamment Monsieur francklin, & auroit désiré en profiter à Son arrivée. Notation: M le Comte de Charlus...
(I) ALS : American Philosophical Society; (II) AL : American Philosophical Society Je reçois, mon Digne et respectable ami, la Lettre que vous avés eu la bonté de m’écrire, et les détails qui y étoient joints. Recevés en mes sinceres remerciments. Esperons que ce glorieux évenement nous donnera La paix et que vous jouirés du fruit de vos travaux. Notre céleste amie est toujours dans l’ivresse...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copies: New-York Historical Society, Library of Congress; (II) LS : University of Pennsylvania Library The Marquis de la fayette, who is about to sail for France, will have the Honor to deliver this Letter; and consistently with the Acts of Congress of the twenty third Instant I must request you to communicate it to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si nous étions surs que Ne [Notre?] sr Watson fut encore à Paris, il aurait lui même lhonneur de vous expliquer le motif quinous fait avoir celui de vous écrire, mais dans l’incertitude où nous sommes de son départ, nous croyons mieux faire en nous addressant directement à vous; la copie cy incluse d’une lettre que nous avons reçue de Mr Geo. Benson de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received your Favour of the Inst per Mr Witherspoon. I gave it to your good Friend Capt All, who had heard with Pain what I before wrote to you, & who now rejoices at the Opportunity of confounding malicious Tongues. I send you inclosed a Newspaper in order to shew you the inhumane Conduct of Lord Rawdon, now a prisoner in Paris. I do not expect to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lest Your Excellency should not have been made acquainted with the transactions relative to the treatment of Mr. Laurens I take the liberty of putting within the present inclosure some extracts from three Newspapers which I yesterday met with. If any thing is to be attempted for the relief of that Gentleman, and that such a person as I could be of the...
I have the honor to inform your Excellency, that on consulting with Lt Governor Jamieson for the removal of the sick Prisoners of War from Gloucester; the mode prescribed in your Letter to him was adopted. In consequence thereof 350 Privates marched from thence for Toddsbridge the 9th instant, and on the 10th & 14th about 300 embark’d in boats and proceeded up the River, for the same place....
Our cordial acknowledgments are ever due to Your Excellency, for the great and disinterested service you have rendered our common country; but, on this occasion, we approach you with peculiar pleasure, and can only regret, that the common language of congratulation will too imperfectly convey our gratefull sense of the late eminent display of your military virtues, in the capture of a British...
M r Jay presents his Compliments to his Excellency the Count de Florida Blanca, & has the Honor of transmitting herewith enclosed, two Boston Gazettes, of the 20 & 27 Sept r . last; & a Copy of a Letter he has recieved from M r . Harrison dated at Cadiz the 20 th . Instant. These Papers contain all the american Intelligence which M r Jay has recieved by the Vessels lately arrived from thence.—...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 79, II, 41). Written by JM. That the resolution of the day of committ[ing?] to the management & disposition of the superintendt. all loans or other monies obtained in Europe or else where for the use of the U. States. That the Superintendt. of Finance be authorised & directed to take under his care & management all loans or other monies obtained in Europe or elsewhere for...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). The cover is missing, but Pendleton docketed the letter, “James Madison Esqr. Novr. 27. 1781.” Your favor of the 19th. instant came to hand yesterday. On the same evening arrived our illustrious General returning to his position on the North river. We shall probably however have his company here for some days at least, where he will be able to give Congress very...
I had the Honour to write you, on the 26 instant by the Post, a Conveyance which I am determined to try, untill I am certainly informed of its Infidelity, in which Case, I will ask the favour of the French or Spanish Ambassador, to inclose my dispatches. I received by the last Post, a Duplicate of Dispatches from Congress the originals of which I received Sometime ago. I presume you have recd...
Depuis Samedi des affaires domestiques, et aussi quelques-unes des publiques, m’ont obligé à une course, qui m’a empêché de vous féliciter, plutôt de la Burgoyna de 2de., qui vient d’avoir lieu en Amérique. Je le fais aujourd’hui de tout mon coeur. Je jouis à la fois de ma joie, de celle des Etats-Unis, du Roi de France, de la vôtre de celle de tous les amis et gens de bien, à l’occasion de ce...
Since Saturday, my domestic affairs, as well as some of my public ones, have prevented me from congratulating you on the second Burgoynization in America. Today I do it with all my heart. I rejoice at once in this glorious event for myself, for the United States, for the king of France, for you, and for all friends and good people. Also I rejoice in the despair it will bring our enemies. I am...
Altho I am fearful, that my Correspondance has lately been Troublesome to your Excellency, yet I cannot help sending the inclosed Letter from a Friend, whose Heart is sensible to every Impression of public and private Virtue. He has been a long Time acquainted with his Excellency Mr Lawrens, and therefore esteems Him. He is touched, your Excellency will see at his present Situation, I must...
AL (draft): New-York Historical Society I shd inform you that congress have discharged the commission for negotiating a treaty of commerce with great Britain & taken that burden from Mr. Adams’s Sholders—that in compt. [compliment] to the Marquis La fayette they have made him the bearer of Letter to the King of France of which I enclose a copy. That in answer to your favor of the 11th. June...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Searle’s respectfull compliments to Doctor Franklin— Mr. S. will most Chearfully wait on the Doctor at Dinner to morrow— Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / Passy The first extant letter from Searle since a March 15 acceptance of another dinner invitation: XXXIV , 455n. In the interim Searle had made futile attempts to raise a loan in the...
I am instructed by the Committee, appointed to consider the establishment of the army, and to confer thereon with your Excellency, the Secretary of War, and the Superintendant of Finance, to request your aid on this Subject, at 11 oClock on Saturday morning in the Committee room of Congress. It is impossible to specify all the particulars of this enquiry; I shall therefore suggest to your...