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Results 54751-54780 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor of inclosing you the first Copy of my Song (termed National) on the great event...
having omitted to note my last renewals, I have lost sight of their dates, but I am sure I must...
When I contemplate the excellency of your Character, I feel satisfied that you will permit an old...
Your favor of the 20th Ulto from Mulberry Grove, came duly to hand, and would have received an...
Your favor of the 19th. instant covering a letter to Mrs. Lewis, I recd. this moment—From what...
54756Orders, 5–7 December 1756 (Washington Papers)
54757[30 August.] (Adams Papers)
School op de Cingel. 30 of August, my Sons went to the Latin School. Dined at Mr. Vanberkles...
Copy: Library of Congress Mr. Jay having acquainted me that he has hitherto been able to obtain...
Some days ago, I was honored with your answer to my letter of resignation; the very warm...
54760[Diary entry: 18 January 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 18th. Thermometer at 25 in the Morning—35 at Noon And 35 at Night. In the Morning the Wind...
I received your kind favour of the 17. It was a Cordial to my dejected Heart to see and hear of...
Your Letter of 26. November was received by me last Sunday; but in writing to you on Tuesday, the...
Having constructed a table on the same principles with the inclosed, to every quarter of an hour...
54764General Orders, 13 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Captain Bebee of Coll Shearman’s Regiment; Lieutt Andrew Little 2nd Pennsylvania regiment: Lieutt...
54765[Diary entry: 11 September 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 11th. In Convention. Dined at home in a large Company with Mr. Gardoqui. Drank Tea and...
I am honoured with your several Favours of the 26th, & 30th September, & 5th October. The...
54767[Diary entry: 25 August 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. At home all day. Alone.
I am honored with yours of Jan. 19. mine of Jan. 12. had not I suppose at that time got to your...
Should you think proper to nominate a person from the State of Connecticut to the office of a...
18 December 1802, St. Croix. “I beg leave to represent through You To His Excellency The...
I have received your favour of 13th. May, on the subject of Dr. Franklin’s conduct on the 12th....
Upon more particular Inquiry respecting the Cook of whom I was speaking to you, he is said to...
I have the honor of acquainting you that, in consequence of the requisition contained in your...
The day after I sent off my last Letter, I received that of my good friend, dated the 27 th: of...
I have duly rec d your favor of the 12 th inst. and concur in every sentim t you express on the...
I must begin with apoligising to you for not writing since the 17 of June. I have really had so...
Lieutenant House is offered the appointment of Pay Master to the first regiment of Artillerists,...
I shall not trouble you at this time with any thoughts on our southern boundary or the views and...
I have your favour of Oct 31. before me. The Sensations it produces in my Aged Bosom, and the...
I have received the Note which your Excellency did me the honor to write on the 20 th Instant,...