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Results 54751-54760 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
[ Philadelphia ] December 31, 1778 . Asks if Congress is going to continue to employ Brigadier General Du Portail and if it intends to adopt Du Portail’s plan of defense. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Henry Laurens had resigned as President of the Continental Congress on December 9, 1778, and John Jay was elected to that position on the following day.
In Case M r Morris should not be ^re-^^appointed Sheriff, the name of John Stagg Jun r . will, among others, be offered to your Consideration. I have understood that Major Stagg was introduced into the War department through your patronage and recommendation: The manner in which he left it appears from the letter contained in the Second page of the paper which I take the liberty to enclose. He...
My last letters to you were of the 8 th . & 27 th . of October. in the former I mentioned to you the declaration of this country that they would interpose with force if the Prussian troops entered Holland, the entry of those troops into Holland, the declaration of England that if France did oppose force they would consider it as an act of war, the naval armaments on both sides, nomination of...
I take the Opportunity of a Spanish Courier’s going to Madrid to let You know that S t . Kitts Has Been taken by the french— The Intelligence Has Been Received Yesterday, and it is the More pleasing as British Accounts Had Rendered us Very Uneasy Upon the fate of the Expedition. Your letter of the 1 st Having Come to Hand I Made What Communications I thought to Be Serviceable but will Be More...
It is an awkward thing now to tell you that it was early my intention to send you the inclosed. But it is nevertheless true that the idea was repeatedly in my mind with the design of executing it & was as often driven out by the distractions of business &c. Always very truly   Dr Sir   yr Obed ser ALS , sold by Forest H. Sweet, Battle Creek, Michigan, January, 1958, Lot No. 141. Jay endorsed...
You have been undoubtedly surpris’d at my long Silence, but when I assure you what is Fact, that my principal Reasons for not writing have been want of Time, and of Satisfactory Matter I flatter myself I shall stand acquitted, (if not with honor) at least as a Wilful Offender against the Laws of Freindship— As General Schuyler expects to deliver this Letter in Person, I shall refer you to him...
Yesterday ended the best contested Election I ever remember to have seen in this City the Federalists who till within a few Days were perfectly passive were at length roused by a full Knowledge of the Manhattan Scheme, / & by some well written Publications which appeared in the Papers— The Merchants for the first Time have acted with vigor & used all their Influence with the Cartmen— Indeed...
I am honored with your letter of the 18th which I received with all the pleasure that is inspired by a sincere respect and esteem. I must beg leave to repeat my assurances to you, that whenever I have occasion to trouble you in the epistolary way, unless where the subject should require a return, I shall be sorry, you should think yourself bound by the rules of ceremony; and I shall always...
The last letter I had the honour of addressing you was dated June 21. I have now that of inclosing you a letter from the Swedish Ambassador praying that enquiry may be made for a vessel of his nation pyratically carried off, and measures taken relative to the vessel, cargo and crew. Also a letter from William Russell and others citizens of America, concerned in trade to the Island of...
In consequence of the death of our late Worthy Governor, the duties of that office have devolved upon me, as Lieu t . Governor of the State. And I therefore take the liberty to inclose to your Excellency, the Copy of a Bill, authenticated by George Pitkin Esq r . the Clerk of our Superior Court, found by the G[rand]. Jury of Litchfield County, against Ahimaaz C. Punderson and James Chandler...