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Results 54751-54760 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
29 July 1802, Philadelphia. “I take herewith the liberty to lay before You the enclosed seven powers , directed to an equal number of Danish Vice Consuls for the States of New-York, Pensylvania, Mary-Land, District of Columbia, North & South Carolina, and Georgia—to which I respectfully beg, You will have the goodness to cause the necessary Exequatur’s to be respectively annexed [and] … order...
29 July 1802, American Consulate, London. No. 9. Encloses copies of letters from Simpson and the U.S. consul at Gibraltar announcing the declaration of war against the U.S. by the emperor of Morocco. Has published the information for American citizens in Great Britain and sent word to U.S. consuls in Germany and Holland. Believes the time is “peculiarly favorable for the Extirpation of those...
29 July 1802, Philadelphia. “Mr. William Dewees being desirous of obtaining the appointment of Commissioner of Bankruptcy in the place of Mr Van Cleve lately deceased has requested me to … sollicit on his behalf your friendly interference in obtaining the object of his wishes.” Dewees is a Philadelphia attorney whose family has “long been established here.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9,...
29 July 1802, Paris. Introduces John Jones Waldo of Massachusetts and recommends him for “one of the vacant commercial Agencys of this Country.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Waldo”). 1 p. Addressee not indicated. Skipwith wrote a similar letter to Jefferson on 30 July (ibid.).
You will doubtless receive thro’ a variety of channels the declaration of war against the U nited States by the Emperor of Morrocco: The in closed are copies of letters which have come to me upon that subject from Mr. Simpson & from our Co nsul at Gibraltar; in consequence of which as we ll as of information from Mr. King I have published a notification to our citizens here, & forwarded the...
I have the honour of enclosing a letter from Govr. Harrison , and one which accompanied it, by which it appears that measures have been taken by the british traders or others, for the purpose of inducing the Indians generally, to suspect the sincerity and good faith of Our Government, and for encouraging a hostile disposition towards this country, but in general, there is but little confidence...
I have reced. your letter of the 21st. instant. The Consulate at Barcelona is not at present considered as vacant, Mr. Willis having returned thither, and no answer having been yet recd. to the enquiries made by this Department relating to his continuance in that station. Should these result in a vacancy, or should a vacancy otherwise happen, Mr Burne with your recommendation & any others that...
Your letter of the 26th. April has been duly recd. It is to be regretted that the circumstance of your being continued Consul of the United States should have induced an expectation of your receiving a salary as such, especially as it appears you have remained at Madrid, under this impression, contrary to your private Interest. The remuneration of our consuls proceeds from the weight of...
The unavoidable Expences of the Board of Commissioners to which we belong make it necessary that the two Governments should from time to time be required to furnish as heretofore the means of defraying them; and as it would greatly embarrass the proceedings of the Board, and materially retard the so much to be desired Conclusion of its Labours if the arrangements which it is presumed the...
I take this opportunity to acknowledge the honour of an official communication from the Secretary for the department of State, with a commission from the President of the United States; And altho the more obliged by this mark of his confidence as it was unsolicited & unexpected, permit me respectfully to state my doubts as to the propriety of holding this office, together with that of Secy of...