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Results 54751-54760 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having never recd. an answer from your Excellency to any of my letters ever since I left Paris, I should not take the liberty of troubling you again, was I not induced to it by what I think a just motive. Mr. Penet wrote me that he had directed to your Excellency the papers mentioned in my last of 16 August, as soon as he recd. them, which was in July 1780,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We who have hereunto subscribed our Names being persons brought up in the Manchester manufactures, and of which we have skill to manage the same particularly the Callico making and printing, with a particular method of Carding and spinning the Cotton, and being dissatisfied with the present Governors of this Country for reasons too notorious to be...
The distressed situation of the Hessian Soldiers Prisoners of War in Philadelphia induces me to apply to Your Excellency for a Passport for an Officer to proceed to that City with Money for their Relief under whatever restrictions you may judge requisite; and should the indulgence be granted I would wish to employ Lieutenant Sobbe of my Regiment upon this business. I have the Honor to be Sir...
In obedience to your Excellency’s Commands, I have Visited the Posts of Winchester Fort Frederick, and Frederick Town at which places it was intended the Prisoners taken at the Surrender of York and Gloucester should be confined, and have made such arrangements respecting them as I hope will merit your Approbation. There are at Winchester about 2400 and at Frederick Town about 1400 Rank and...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 19, II, 241–43½). Written by JM. Docketed, “Report of Comee. on letter 22d Novr. 1781. from the Marquis de la Fayette[,] passed Novr. 23d 1781.” The Committee to whom was referred the letter of the 22d. instant from Major General the Marquis de la fayette, requesting leave of absence for the purpose of making a visit to France report the following resolutions That Major...
As I lately passed thro’ Orange in my way to Culpeper, I heard of a British deserter at one Proctor’s, about five miles beyond Orange court house, who is an excellent stone cutter. If you have occasion for such an artist, you may probably engage him by sending to Proctors. I intended myself the pleasure of spending a [d]ay at Monteciello before my return home, but on my arrival at Colo. Champe...
Mr Adams presents his most respectfull Compliments to his Excellency, the Duke de la Vauguion, and begs leave to acquaint him, that by the last nights Post he received from Congress Some important Dispatches which it is his Duty to communicate to the Ambassador of France. Mr Adams requests his Excellency, to inform him, what Hour will be most convenient for him to wait on him at the Arms of...
I have received your favour of this days date, together with four thousand florins in cash, 175 being deducted for the 7 Coopons of Interest paid being the amount of four obligations of the United States, disposed of by you. I received at the Same time two obligations with their Coopons, and Seven Coopons for the first half years Interest paid by you. I recd yesterday, by Mr. Thaxter one...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress On reading over again, and reconsidering your Papers, it did not appear to me necessary that I should write to the Ministers in your Favour, the Recommendations you bring directly from Congress being superior to any that could proceed from me; and it would be absurd in me to suppose that mine could add weight to them. Being however truly sensible of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am happy in having so good an opportunity as the present to let you know that we are all well; Sally would have wrote, but the Marquis La Fayette’s & General Du Portail’s sudden departure, together with her necessary engagements in the Nursery, will not admit of it an opportunity will present itself in a few days from this port, which she means to...