Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to George Hobart, 22 November 1781

To George Hobart5

AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress

Passy 22d Nov. 816

Mr Franklin presents his best Respects to Mr Hobart, thanks him for the Notice of his Departure, and heartily wishes him a good Journey. Enclos’d is a Letter for Mr. Pownall.7

The late Event, if it might contribute to bring forward a Reconciliation, would indeed as you observe be a happy one: But I do not think your Nation yet sufficiently dispos’d to it: I can only assure you that any reasonable Measures to that End, should have every Assistance in my Power.

à M. Hobart

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5Who had brought BF a letter from Thomas Pownall: XXXV, 627. We have no record of the particular letter to which this is a response; Hobart had planned to leave Paris in early November.

6This dateline, and “à M. Hobart,” were added by WTF.

7Below, Nov. 23.

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