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Results 54701-54750 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
54701 Palmer, Aaron Haight Madison, James To James Madison from Aaron Haight Palmer and Henry B. … 1812-11-23 23 November 1812, New York. Signed a paper addressed to JM, “purporting to be a Representation of...
54702 Hagner, Peter Madison, James Peter Hagner to James Madison, 27 August 1833 1833-08-27 I have procured and enclose five Setts of glasses from which I hope you may be enabled to Select...
54703 Hagner, Peter Calhoun, John Caldwell Enclosure: Peter Hagner to John C. Calhoun, 14 April … 1821-04-14 I have the honour to state in relation to the letter of the Hon ble Tho. Jefferson addressed to...
54704 Hagner, Peter Madison, James Peter Hagner to James Madison, 6 September 1833 1833-09-06 On the receipt of your favor I delivered to Mr Joseph the note addressed to him, with the package...
54705 Hague, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hague, 10 September 1790 1790-09-10 Richmond [Va.], 10 Sept. 1790. Having been informed by Corbin Braxton of his resignation from the...
54706 Hague, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Hague, 13 May 1790 1790-05-13 I hope you will pardon me for my presunption to you, but the Subject being so Interesting to the...
54707 Hahn, Christian G. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Christian G. Hahn, 20 March … 1801-03-20 Boston, 20 Mch. 1801 . He asks TJ’s pardon for approaching him with a request. Two years ago he...
54708 Hailing, Solomon Washington, George To George Washington from Solomon Hailing, 10 March … 1790-03-10 To the President of the United States, The Petition of Solomon Halling Most humbly sheweth, That...
54709 Haine, Mary Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Haine, 16 July 1781 1781-07-16 ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will be so kind is to Excuse the Liberty of...
54710 Haines, Charles G. Jefferson, Thomas Charles G. Haines to Thomas Jefferson, 18 August 1818 1818-08-18 I take the liberty of sending you my pamphlet, concerning the Great Western Canal, written at the...
54711 Haines, Charles G. Adams, John To John Adams from Charles G. Haines, 18 August 1818 1818-08-18 I take the liberty of sending you my pamphlet concerning the Great Western Canal, written at the...
54712 Haines, Charles G. Jay, John To John Jay from Charles G. Haines, 17 November 1818 1818-11-17 I do myself the pleasure, to send you my publication, concerning the Western and Northern Canals,...
54713 Haines, Hiram Adams, John To John Adams from Hiram Haines, 4 June 1822 1822-06-04 A desire not only to see, but to possess and preserve relicts of those venerable Heroes and Sages...
54714 Haines, Hiram Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Hiram Haines, 10 July 1824 1824-07-10 You may probably recollect the young Virginia Mountaineer, who presented you a domestic pocket...
54715 Haines, Hiram Jefferson, Thomas Hiram Haines to Thomas Jefferson, 25 June 1821 1821-06-25 As a prelude to my business I must commence my letter by offering an apology for the Liberty I...
54716 Haines, Hiram Jefferson, Thomas Hiram Haines to Thomas Jefferson, 26 November 1821 1821-11-26 I have presumed to address you for the purpose of offering as a present a Small pocket knife...
54717 Haines, Hiram Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Hiram Haines, 11 September … 1824-09-11 I have to crave your indulgence for the liberty I again take, in troubling you with a trifle, of...
54718 Haines, Hiram Madison, James To James Madison from Hiram Haines, 4 June 1822 1822-06-04 A desire not only to see, but to possess and preserve relicts of those venerable Heroes an[d]...
54719 Haines, R. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from R. Haines, 18 June 1777 1777-06-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society My Sister (Sarah Evans) in several Letters from England has...
54720 Haines, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas Samuel Haines to Thomas Jefferson, 26 September 1810 1810-09-26 Be good enough to excuse the freedom I take in troubling a personage of your illustrious...
54721 Haineville, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ――― Haineville, 3 August … 1777-08-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society <August 3, 1777, in French: Her son has been captured on an...
54722 Hait, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph … 1780-01-30 Concerning Colo. Zebulon Butlers being So long absent from his Regiment, am not able to inform...
54723 Hakes, George Washington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington Hakes, 7 … 1805-03-07 Did I think that I was Addressing A heart Void Of Sensibility I would drop my pen and proceed no...
54724 Halbach, Jean Washington, George To George Washington from Jean Halbach, 15 April 1783 1783-04-15 Nous prennons la Liberté de Communiquer par celle-ci à vôtre Excellence, que par rapport à la...
54725 Haldimand, Frederick Washington, George To George Washington from Frederick Haldimand, 4 … 1783-12-04 A few days ago I had the honor of your Excellency’s Letter of the 18th October last Covering a...
54726 Haldimand, Frederick Washington, George To George Washington from Frederick Haldimand, 11 … 1783-08-11 I have had the Honor to receive, by the Hands of Major General Baron de Steuben, your...
54727 Haldimand, Frederick Washington, George To George Washington from Frederick Haldimand, 19 … 1783-08-19 Extract of a letter from Govr Haldiman August 19th 1783 to his Excelleny Genl Washington. “As the...
54728 Haldimand, Frederick Washington, George To George Washington from General Frederick Haldimand … 1779-08-29 Amongst the various Evils that are the certain Attendants of a Civil War, I did not expect to...
54729 Hale, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Hale, 19 November … 1824-11-19 I have taken the liberty to enclose to you several pamphlets, relating to the Gardiner Lyceum, a...
54730 Hale, Daniel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Daniel Hale, 23 April 1794 1794-04-23 [ Albany, April 23, 1794. On June 19, 1794, Tench Coxe wrote to Hale and referred to “Your letter...
54731 Hale, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Hale, 24 July 1800 1800-07-24 Having been appointed by my fellow citizens of the town of Portland to pronounce an oration on...
54732 Hale, Elisha Madison, James To James Madison from Elisha Hale, 10 September 1803 1803-09-10 I take the liberty to trouble you with the enclosed statement of a case, relative to money & some...
54733 Hale, Mordecai Washington, George To George Washington from Mordecai Hale, 22 April 1793 1793-04-22 New York, N.Y., 22 April 1793. Writes that “By the advice of a few respectable friends who are...
54734 Hale, Nathan Adams, John To John Adams from Nathan Hale, 17 February 1821 1821-02-17 The Reporters of the Debates in the Convention present their respects to Mr. Adams, and request...
54735 Hale, Salma Jefferson, Thomas Salma Hale to Thomas Jefferson, 13 July 1818 1818-07-13 I have collected and send you the pamphlets containing the Unitarian controversy which you...
54736 Hale, Salma Hale, David Salma Hale to David Hale, 5 May 1818 with postscript … 1818-05-05 I am now in the heart of Virginia about 2 miles from the residence of Mr. Jefferson . I have...
54737 Hale, Salma Livermore, Arthur Salma Hale to Arthur Livermore, 16 May 1818 1818-05-07 A few days ago I returned from an excursion into the interior of Virginia , having been absent a...
54738 Hale, Salma Plumer, William Salma Hale to William Plumer, 8 May 1818 1818-05-07 I spent yesterday with M r Jefferson . In conversation he was quite unrestrained, bestowing...
54739 Hale, Salma Salma Hale’s Notes on his Visit to Monticello, [after … 1818-05-07 In the year 1818, I paid a visit to Mr. Jefferson , in his retirement at Monticello . During the...
54740 Haley, Nathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathan Haley, 8 September 1808 1808-09-08 I have the honor of informing you that indisposition prevents me from returning in the Hope. I...
54741 Haley, Nathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathan Haley, [6 October 1800] 1800-10-06 I recived a few days since a letter from citizen Thomas Paine, requesting me to forward you, by...
54742 Hale, Zachariah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Zachariah Hale, 23 August 1805 1805-08-23 When thee calls to mind, that we, (the Friends caled Quakers) do not in general, use compliments,...
54743 Haliday, Thomas Crowninshield, Benjamin W. Thomas Haliday to Benjamin W. Crowninshield, 25 June … 1815-06-25 The Petition of the Subscriber respectfully showeth, that your Petitioner has served for Fifteen...
54744 Halkett, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Halkett, 8 July 1758 … 1758-07-08 Letter not found: from Francis Halkett, 8 July 1758. On 16 July GW wrote Halkett : “Last night I...
54745 Halkett, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Halkett, 21 November … 1758-11-21 In consequence of your letter, the General has orderd out a Working, & Covering party from Col:...
54746 Halkett, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Halkett, 4 May 1758 1758-05-04 General Forbes haveing information, that a party of our Cataubas are just return’d to Winchester,...
54747 Halkett, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Halkett, 2 August … 1758-08-02 I Received your letter, & Returns from Fort Cumberland. as to my giveing you my advice about the...
54748 Halkett, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Halkett, 25 June 1758 1758-06-25 I Receiv’d your letter yesterday from Connogochieg of the 13th June, and I am thoroughly...
54749 Halkett, Sir Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Sir Peter Halkett, 23 May … 1755-05-23 MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives ,...
54750 Hall and Stimpson Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Hall and Stimpson, 20 … 1796-09-20 [ Boston, September 20, 1796. On October 24, 1796, Hall and Stimpson wrote to Hamilton : “We...