Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Isaac Story, 18 August 1802

From Isaac Story

Marblehead Augst. 18. 1802

Most respected Sire,

I have just received a line from you, informing me that the Commission, which I received, was designed for Joseph Story Esqr. of Salem.

I have never yet acted under it, & never shall, unless I should receive further authority from you. He is not my son, but my Nephew.—

I am very desirous of receiving some Commission from you in the civil department, as I have left the clerical. As I have the strongest assurance that Mr. Lyman, who was appointed Collector for Newbury-Port, is out on a Voyage to Europe, I suppose another will be appointed. And should you see fit to confer that honor upon me, I shall be equally pleased as with the other Commission, & it will lay a lasting debt of gratitude on my heart. And I presume that I can procure letters of recommendation from the honbl. Elbridge Gerry Esqr, & the Honbl. Doctr. Eustis.

accept the homage of my most profound respect

Isaac Story

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); endorsed by TJ as received 29 Aug. and so recorded in SJL.

A LINE FROM YOU: TJ to Story, 5 Aug.

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