James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Rufus King, 18 August 1802

From Rufus King


Rotterdam August 18. 1802

Dear Sir

Since I left London I have received your letter accompanying the instructions & authority concerning the settlement of our Boundary with Great Britain1—and in consequence thereof have written to Mr Gore, desiring him to communicate to Lord Hawkesbury that powers have been sent to me for this purpose, and to request his Lordship to put the business in such a train as to be settled upon my return.2 I shall moreover write a Letter to the same Effect to Lord Hawkesbury from the Hague or Amsterdam. The principal object of my troubling you with this letter, is to beg of you to give me the earliest information of what the president shall decide respecting the accommodation I have taken the Liberty to ask for in regard to my return to america, and I hope you will excuse my praying you to advise my agent Mr Low of New york of the Presidents determination, as he may otherwise be embarrassed respecting the Execution of my Instructions.

I earnestly hope I shall be relieved in season to embark in Apl. which will give me a good probability of arriving in June. Very faithfully Yr. Ob. Ser.

Rufus King

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