George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John McKesson, 9 September 1775

From John McKesson

[New York] Sept. 9th 1775. 9 o’Clock P.M.


Since the Committee of Safety adjourned this afternoon, I am informed that one parcel of Powder landed at the East End of Long Island belonged at & was sent to New London but that a larger parcel was soon after landed at some small distance and forwarded to the owners in Rhode-Island—I could not be well informed of the Quantity in either parcel; but tho’t it my Duty to give you this Information; and am most respectfully, your Excellency’s most obedient & very humble Servant

John McKesson Secry to the Comme of Safety.


John McKesson (c.1735–1798), a prominent New York City lawyer and a political confidant of George Clinton, was at this time secretary to both the New York provincial congress and the colony’s committee of safety. On 31 July 1776 the state convention appointed McKesson register of the court of admiralty, and in September 1777 he became clerk of the state assembly, a position that he held until 1794.

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