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Results 54521-54530 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have the pleasure to inform you, that Friesland has taken the Provincial Resolution to acknowledge the Sovereignty of the United States of America, and to admit their Minister to an Audience, and have instructed their Deputies in the Assembly of their high Mightinesses at the Hague to make the Motion in eight days from this. The States of Holland have also taken my last Requisition and...
The President, anxious to avail the United States of your services as chief Justice, has nominated you to the senate for that important office, now vacant by the resignation of M r . Ellsworth. In the hope that you may be prevaild on to accept it, I feel peculiar satisfaction in transmitting to you the commission. With very much respect & esteem I am, Sir your Obed t . Serv t . ALS , ICN ( EJ...
France appears at this Moment, in the Light of a Simple People Sincerely disposed to Peace, benevolence and Humanity, and judging of the dispositions of others by her own. She Seems by her late Glory and Prosperity to have been Soothed into a Security and Tranquility, out of which it is Scarce possible to awaken her. England on the other hand appears, like a Nation Smarting under her Wounds,...
The President of the United States presents his best Compliments to the Chief Justice of the United States and his Lady, and encloses them Tickets for the Theatre this evening. As this is the last night the President proposes visiting the theatre for the season, he cannot deny himself the gratification of requesting the company of the Chief Justice and his Lady— altho’ he begs at the same time...
I shall leave town to morrow and be absent a few weeks, I do not care to do it without letting you know that we have nothing worth telling you.— For want of positive you must be content with negative information which sometimes has its use, and failing of any other at least serves to provoke an Answer; and makes those to whom it is addressed ashamed of their silence, when they can collect any...
The Managers of the American Bible Society, heard Your Acceptance of the office of a Vice President of that Institution with peculiar satisfaction. In the approbation of One, whom his Country has justly honored, they will feel the power of no common stimulus to go on with promptness & vigor in the good Work consigned to their hands. That Your life may long be spared & your usefulness in...
By a letter of the 2d. inst. from the Count de Moustier I perceive he is still at Brest. The wind has now been near a month in the South-Western quarter, and if it remains there a few days longer, my dispatches by the packet may reach you as soon as those by Monsr. de Moustier. This being the last post which can reach the packet, should she sail on the 10th. I avail myself of it to inform you...
I have received the letter which Your Excellency did me the honor to write of the 26th of last Month, together with the two resolves of Congress and the other inclosures referred to in it. A plan of offensive operations for the effectual relief of the Western frontier has been some time since determined upon and preparations are making in consequence. I endeavour to observe as much secrecy as...
I am informed by my son at New York, that Mr. Samuel B. Malcom has applied for an office under your Excellency, ad and desired me to write to you in his behalf. This I can do without hesitation and with pleasure. Mr. Malcom lived in my family as my private Secretary for about an year and half, and conducted himself always like an amiable and honorable young gentleman. In my service he was...
Our last letter to you was dated April 13. 1785. and went by the packet of that month from l’Orient. Since that date the Letter N o. 1. a. directed to D tr Franklin enclosing those marked N o. 1. b & c. and also the paper N o. 2. have come to hand. These relate to supplies furnished by M r Harrison to the crew of the ship Betsy taken by the Emperor of Morocco, on which subject Congress will be...