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Results 54521-54530 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Secretary of the Treasury, respectfully represents to the President of the United States, that Joshua Head , collector of customs for the port of Waldoborough (Massachusetts) has failed in rendering his quarterly accounts, none later than those for the quarter ending on the 30th september, last, having been received: nor has he, from that time, rendered any weekly, or other return,...
I had the honor to recieve your note of the 13th. inst. with the enclosures from Genl La fayette, and I pray you to accept my thanks for your politeness in recieving & forwarding them to me. I regret that the mistake to which you allude should have given you a moment’s concern. It was extremely natural under the circumstances which attended the rect. of the package, and is one for which I have...
Your favor of the 16th. came duly to hand with the papers to which it referred. I now forward others recd. by the last mail. I have signified to Mr. Sumpter that his resignation was acquiesced in, and have used a language calculated to satisfy him that he retains the good opinion of the Executive. What is to be said to Mr. Livingston on his request that he may appt. a private Secretary, and...
Since I left London I have received your letter accompanying the instructions & authority concerning the settlement of our Boundary with Great Britain —and in consequence thereof have written to Mr Gore, desiring him to communicate to Lord Hawkesbury that powers have been sent to me for this purpose, and to request his Lordship to put the business in such a train as to be settled upon my...
18 August 1802, Department of State, Washington. “The Secretary of State of the United States presents his respects to Mr. Olsen, and does himself the honor to forward herewith to him Exequators for the Gentlemen whose names are subjoined,… agreeably to Mr. Olsen’s letter of the 29th. of last month to the Secretary of State. The delay unavoidably incurred in procuring the necessary signatures...
18 August 1802, Lisbon. Mentions that they last wrote on 31 Dec. 1801 and 29 Jan. 1802 , “the contents of both which, we now confirm, and herewith beg Permission to hand you extract of our account to this day, on which, the Balance due to us is Rs: 42,211$ 815, & having Occasion for this Property in Europe, we have for some time endeavoured to pass our Bills on you, but the low rate of dollars...
The inclosed Copies of a Correspondence , are most respectfully submitted by Your most obedient & very humble Servants RC ( DLC : Rare Book and Special Collections Division); at foot of text: “The President of the United States.” Enclosure: see below. Abijah Adams (1754–1816) of Boston, worked for his younger brother Thomas Adams as clerk and bookkeeper for the Boston Independent Chronicle ,...
A late attempt at a monopoly of Salt in this Western Country—occasions me to trouble you with this letter—To counteract the banefull effects of this monopoly a company has formed with a determination to lower the price of this necessary of life—This will be effected provided they can procure a lick either by purchase or on Lease, that will answer the purpose the company has in View—but it is...
Your favor of the 16th. came duly to hand with the papers to which it referred. I now forward others recd. by the last mail. I have signified to Mr. Sumpter that his resignation was acquiesced in, and have used a language calculated to satisfy him that he retains the good opinion of the Executive. What is to be said to Mr. Livingston on his requests that he may appt. a private Secretary, and...
I have just received a line from you , informing me that the Commission, which I received, was designed for Joseph Story Esqr. of Salem. I have never yet acted under it, & never shall , unless I should receive further authority from you. He is not my son, but my Nephew.— I am very desirous of receiving some Commission from you in the civil department, as I have left the clerical. As I have the...