John Jay Papers

To John Jay from John Charlton, 18 October 1802

From John Charlton

New York October 18th. 1802.

Dear Sir,

I received your very friendly favor of the 12th. inst.1 with the liberal compensation enclosed, for which be pleased to accept my acknowledgements, but allow me to assure you that I should have been more gratified, had you be^en^ contented to have placed my attempt for the relief of Mrs. Jay to friendly the score of friendship.2 I am with great Esteem & Regard your devoted friend & humble servant

John Charlton

The Hon. John Jay.

ALS, NNC (EJ: 09033).

1JJ to Charlton, 12 Oct. 1802, not found.

2For SLJ’s passing, see the editorial note “The Death of Sarah Livingston Jay,” above.

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