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Results 54511-54540 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
’Tis with extreem regret I intrude upon your time, but will be as concise as possible, in short Sir, I respectfully solicit your Countenance to Benjm. Walker Esqr. for the Loan, (upon my Bond) for 300 Dollars, for which I am perfectly willing to give legal Interest. The following are my reasons for this Solicitation—to keep my accounts even for at present I am 12 £ Dr. on my Books, and...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to transmit to the President of the United States a draft of a nomination to certain vacant offices. In case the supplementary collection law now on its passage shall be approved, certain offices will require to be filled before the first of May; for most of which proper characters have been brought in view. The Secretary of State concurs with me in...
Whereas by the acts constituting the High court of Chancery and General court, the said courts are to be holden at such place as the legislature shall direct, and no place hath as yet been appointed for that purpose: Be it therefore enacted by the General assembly that for the term of one year after the end of this present session of assembly, and from thence to the end of the session then...
I was favoured with the Receipt of your Letter of the 22d Instant some Days since and returned a short Answer to it by the Express who brought it; but as I have Reason to believe you had left Peeks’ Kill before he got there I conclude my Letter has not been received. I have not a Doubt but that there have been such unjust and dishonorable Practices committed on the Inhabitants as you mention...
the day on which I last addressd myself to your Excellency General Parsons orderd the Infantry which were under my Command at Bedford, to march to Norwalk, finding my small party of Horse woud be of little Consequence in that quarter, I marchd them allso to Norwalk where I arrived yesterday morning just at the time the enemy had made their Landing good & an engagement very Soon Commenced, and...
Mr. Moses Daulton a resident of Limestone, in this State, and an acquaintance of mine, perceiving by an act of the last session of Congress, that a surveyor is to be appointed for the port of Limestone has requested of me a letter of recommendation to the president in order to obtain the appointment to the office. I avail myself of the acquaintance Sir, I have the honor to have with you, to...
Letter not found: to Beverley Robinson, 27 April 1758. On 21 May Robinson wrote to GW : “Yours of the 27th Apr. I Received.”
The late movements of the Enemy and their determined purpose to execute their plans, if possible, require that every exertion should be employed on our part to baffle and defeat their designs. I therefore desire, that you will march as soon as you can with about One Thousand of the Virginia Militia effective (Rank and file) with their respective Officers, out of those assembled at or coming to...
Captain Hamilton has requested me to state what I know respecting the characters of Doctors William Flood & William E Cochran of New Orleans, supposing that you might not be acquainted with them. The first of these Gentlemen has resided in Louisiana ever since I was a citizen of that country, and has held the first rank as a man distinguished by his professional talents, his integrity and...
I have received your journal to the third of June—which is entertaining and Instructing as usual— We have reports in circulation here that many Mr Randolph or Roanoke is in a state of insanity—and many say he is confined—I wish to know the truth—for although Mr Randolph has appeared through his whole public life to be possessed of a Demoniacal Spirit of Malice and Vengence without cause...
Since the Committee of Safety adjourned this afternoon, I am informed that one parcel of Powder landed at the East End of Long Island belonged at & was sent to New London but that a larger parcel was soon after landed at some small distance and forwarded to the owners in Rhode-Island—I could not be well informed of the Quantity in either parcel; but tho’t it my Duty to give you this...
I had the honor to be the bearer of a letter for your Excellency enclosing a medal, also a number of books with a list accompanying them—& two packets & a letter for the Secretary of State of the United States I have deliverd them to Genl. Baily Post Master of this city to be immediately forwarded on, they were entrusted to my care by his Excy. Genl Armstrong in Paris—wishing them safe to your...
Your favor of Oct. 27. came to hand while G l La Fayette is with us. I took an early occn to inform him of your wish to write memoirs of him , and my opn that he would be satisfied with what you would do. he expressed a disposn entirely favble but did not give any positive answer, he will be at Baltimore in the course of this month when you will have an oppty of conversing with him, or if not...
(I) and (II) LS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 25th. Ulto I Just received. & those of a later date I answered the 24th Ulto. I could not Consistant with the Interest of my owners keep my Crew untill this date at their expence while so many American vessels being here, in which I have distributed most of them & Expect to take passage in one my self, will sale in about ten or...
Tho s Jefferson 1820 Bo t of David Isaacs Jan y 13   8 ℔ Candle 37 ½   $3.00 MS ( MHi
I know not where to direct to you, but hope you are secure. Tis said in some part of the Jersies, but I know this only from report. I sent to Town yesterday (saturday) but the Post did not get in till the person by whom I sent came out of Town. I could not rest but sent again this morning. The Post came but brought no Letters for me, and but two for any person that I could learn, and no late...
54527May 19. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Pleasant. My State is tedious enough, waiting for the Chevalier, and loosing Time and Wind. Expectation is a painful Posture of the Mind, and Suspence, which is a little different, is worse. This of L’orient is a fine Port and Harbour. Men of War can come up to the Wharf, and they commonly lie not far from it. But there is no such pleasant Prospects of the Country as in Boston Harbour.
The official letter of this date fixes the commencement of your pay and emoluments. I shall as soon as possible define your duties and command. In the mean while I should be glad to have your own ideas on the subject. You will proceed on your report for a system of tactics & discipline. You will also endeavour to ascertain the best positions for your recruiting parties and general rendzvouses...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Quoique vos lumieres vous metent dans le cas de n’avoir guere besoin d’aucune explication, je pense que vous ne serez pas faché d’aprendre que quand j’ai eu l’honneur de vous ecrire, ainsi qu’a monsieur le dictateur vashington, j’etois a un quart de lieu d’ici, au chateau de Condorcet chez monsieur le Comte du meme nom, cousin germain de Mr. le marquis de...
I recieved in due time your favor covering your answer to Scott ; which I have not yet sent to Mess rs Hay & Wirt for want of your signature, a circumstance never I believe dispensed with in the higher courts of Chancery. if you will be so good as to sign & return it by the bearer, I will send it to Richmond from hence with the depositions I propose to have taken while here. before I return to...
Your letter of the 18th., enclosing answers to certain objections communicated to you in my letter of the 29th. Ulto. came duly to hand; and although I have not, as yet, from a variety of causes, been able to give them the attentive reading I mean to bestow, I feel myself much obliged by the trouble you have taken to answer them; as I persuade myself, from the full manner in which you appear...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 5 July 1795. On 12 July, GW wrote Pearce: “Your letter of the 5th, and the reports of the preceeding week, have been received.”
I cannot longer be silent while my friends are mourning the death of such a daughter as was our much loved Mrs Smith.—But why mourn?—She is happy and soon shall we also meet the termination of time, when, may we unite in the universal harmony of love and gratitude which attune the song of the righteous!— Mr Adams’s philosophic view of the changes of time and his belief in the sovereignty of...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Valltravers’s best Respects wait on Dr. Franklin, and sends him the Memorial, he promised him, and Mr. Colinson, for their true Information about the Troubles At Geneva. He goes to Bath on Monday, and will call on his Return to Town. Valltravers was a shadowy, though well-meaning, figure who corresponded frequently with BF during the latter’s war-time...
The under Signed, being informed that there may probably be a vacancy in the Judiciary of upper Louisannia (in the event of Mr. Eston not being Renominated,) beg permission to hand to your Excellency the Name of Oliver Whipple Esqr. of the State of Rhode Island, as a person well qualified for that office; his connections are respectable, and his principles are (we believe) Correct.— DNA : RG...
54536General Orders, 28 August 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . A document entitled, “State of the Continental Troops under the immediate Command of His Excellency George Washington Esq. General &c.,” dated this date and signed by Adjutant Gen. Alexander Scammell, gives the strengths of the thirteen infantry brigades present with the main army. The report identifies the number of officers: commissioned, staff, and...
The enclosed letter, which is under a flying seal, and the plough, which accompanies it, are referred to your inspection—and are addressed to your care, to be transmitted to Mr Chesnut at Camden. With great regard, I am dear Sir, Your most obedient Servant LS , privately owned; LS (photostat), PPRF . Charles Cotesworth Pinckney had introduced to GW the previous summer his friend John Chesnut,...
By the United states in Congress assembled Resolved That the commission and instructions for negotiating a treaty of Commerce between these United states and Great Britain given to the honorable John Adams on the twenty ninth day of Sep­ tember one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine be and they are hereby revoked. Extract from the minutes The content of all or some notes that appeared on...
I have been duly honored with the receipt of your favour of the 23d Instant. As you are known to, and have a reliance on the friendship of the Secretary of War, there can be no doubt but that his recommendation of you to the President of the United States would ensure you a Commission in the line of the army. With respect to the Gentlemen who are to compose my family as Aids de Camp, so many...
54540[Diary entry: 11 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. Rid to Muddy hole where three white men were Cradling—& then to the Mill where we were getting in Wheat. Mr. Chichester with his wife Miss S. McCarty, & Dr. Rumney came. Sinah McCarty (died c.1809) was a daughter of Capt. Daniel McCarty of Mount Air and a sister of Mrs. Sarah McCarty Chichester, with whom she appears here. Rumney continued his treatment of Patsy Custis by giving her two...