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Results 54511-54520 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Inclosed are Copies of private Letters, which have passed between Lord Carmarthen and me relative to the Appointment of M r Anstey. The End of this Appointment, is to prevent Impositions upon the Commissioners, in ascertaining the Claims of the Loyalists. M r. Anstey will have Occasion for Copies of publick Records, to which I suppose there can be no Objection in any State, and as his friendly...
The enclosed Letter, accompanied a packet which I intended to have sent by M r : Vall-travers; but having since immediate opportunities to America from hence I shall not trouble you with my dispatches at present. It is here said that on the meeting of Parliament the King of Great Britain is to mention in the speech from the throne the signature of a Convention for the settlement of the...
I Have not Had for a long time the Honour to Address you either in public or private letters—this is owing to a tour I made through several parts of Europe, and to a derangement in the packets which to my great Concern I found to Have taken place during my absence in the Course of a journey to prussia, Silesia, the Austrian dominions, and Back again to Berlin, I Could not But Have many...
I received your very friendly favor of the 12 th . ins t . with the liberal compensation enclosed, for which be pleased to accept my acknowledgements, but allow me to assure you that I should have been more gratified, had you be^en^ contented to have placed my attempt for the relief of M rs . Jay to friendly the score of friendship. I am with great Esteem & Regard your devoted friend & humble...
In acknowledging the receipt of your obliging Favor of the 3 d . Ult, permit me to thank you for the Rhubarb seed which accompanied it.—To the growth of which, if good, a fair trial shall be given.— I have two imported female asses from the Island of Malta; which, tho’ not quite equal to the best Spanish Jennies, will serve to establish a valuable breed of these animals in this...
I am much obliged to you for the communication of the papers which you have been so good as to send me. I shall be desirous of an opportunity of conversing with you again on Friday morning at Eleven, if that hour should suit you— In the mean time I can only assure you of my sincere desire to contribute to the object of cordiality & friendship between the two countries, & of the real pleasure...
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 12 th . Inst t . last Saturday. Essex desires me to tell you that he answered your letter to him the next post to that by which I wrote. I go frequently to visit Uncle Fady, & shall continue to pay him every mark of attention, & respect in my power. Agreable to your advice I have read the life of Cicero attentively. I am not able to point out...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 9th. and 12th. of May by the way of London. This goes through the same channel to the care of Mr. Trumbul. Having received no letter from you of later date than the 25th. of November I am apprehensive there may have been miscarriages, and the more so as I learn, thro another channel , that you have particularly answered mine of Nov. 19. The death of the...
In my last I mentioned the retreat of the Imperial troops from Brussels. The last accounts of General D’Alton who commands them are that he had arrived at Namur and after a short stay, left it in hopes of remaking Luxemburg. In this retreat through a part of the country known for its zeal in the opposition, the troops confined their hostilities to personal defences. Much the greater part...
For all the good Qualities which you possess my dear Friend, there was none which fixed you more firmly in my Esteem, than the inflexible Integrity which you discovered on all occasions. Judge then from hence, what Pleasure I felt at your appointment, to the Office of Cheif Justice of the United States. May you long live to discharge the Duties of it, much to your own Honor, and much to the...