Results 54511-54560 of 184,431 sorted by author
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Grubb presents his respectful Compliments to his...
At a time when Your extensive abilitys and attention are so constantly engaged and unremittingly...
J’ai reçu le 28 du mois dernier la lettre que Vous m’avez fait L’honneur de m’écrire en date du...
J’ai reçu la dernière lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire dans laquelle Se trouvait...
J’ai L’honneur de vous adresser deux Lettres ecrites par un de mes meilleurs amis & qui peut être...
J’ai L’honneur de Vous Supplier d’accepter un ouvrage que j’apporte de Londres tout récemment. Il...
J’ai L’honneur de vous accuser, réception de La lettre que vous voulûtes bien m’ecrire en date du...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne suivrai point l’usage, ni ne vous ferai de compliment...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Guerton directeur general des fermes, se presenta un...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voici la Saison ou vos observations devoient vous attirer...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ose me flater que le laps de Temps qui s’Est ecoulé depuis...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de vous confirmer les trois lettres que j’ay...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay reçu en son temps la lettre que vous avés pris la peine...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay eû l’honneur de vous ecrire le 16: Courant, et de vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai pris la liberté de vous ecrire par M. de Basmarein...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir une Lettre de Me. La Comtesse de Conway...
29 May 1813. “Felix Grundy presents his compliments to the president of the UStates & informs...
I wrote to you some weeks past upon some interesting business to my self and desired an immediate...
I received your favour a few days past, and have now the pleasure of sending you the two Does...
I have to address you on an interestg subject to my self, and am happy that fortune has placed...
Letter not found: Benjamin Fitzhugh Grymes to GW, 27 Mar. 1787. GW wrote Grymes on 10 April :...
It affords me the highest satisfaction to have it in my power to oblige you by sending of you...
Not having the pleasure of an acquaintance with you and having to address you on a subject like...
I received your favor of the 7th instant last night, enclosed in a letter to my uncle Randolph....
We have had some thing to do here about the Batture. I have been applied to upon the subject. It...
It is my Intention to depart from the State of Virginia in a few weeks for the District of...
I have at length so far arranged my Affairs as to be ready to take my departure with my Family...
I have at length recovered from the Misfortunes which befel me whilst in the Territory of...
I have this day recd. under your enclosure my Commission as Attorney for the U States for the...
The humble petition of John Guarenau of the Yonkers, in the County of Westchester and State of...
I take the liberty of giving you an account of my Services, for to beg of Your Excellence to...
Je n’ai reçu qu’aujourd’hui l’honneur de vos missives datées 27 Aout et 3 Septembre en vous...
Fabius autrefois Sauva Sa république En arrêtant des Siens la fougueuse valeur, Wasington de nos...
The Heroes of the War, are those who are the Authors of the Peace. Without Victory there would...
You stand not in need of my Eulogium—I am your admirer but it is in common with all Europe and my...
J’ai Eu L’honneur de vous Ecrire, Et plus depuis faire prïer par Mr. Stoughton, de M’envoyer Les...
Je Suis passée deux fois Sans avoir Le Bonheur de vous rencontrer. N’ay pas ettée Plus heureux...
Lame Encorre Emue de Vos Procedés Généreux et Pleim de reconnoissance, je me Vois forcée...
Je Sors de chés Le Cel. Burr, peu Satisfait de mes Justes Observations, ma remis Lincline. comme...
I have had the honor of receiving your letter of the 14th June—which, with chearfulness and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Rue du Faubourg-Montmartre, November 21, 1777, in French: I...
M r Jefferson To Breakfast 2 3 3 Servants 4. 6 Dinner 3–0 3 Servants 4–6 5 Horses 24 30 hours 2
Sensible of the honor which you have done me by my appointment of Post-Master at this place, I...
Les Sommes de mal’heurs qui n’ont cessé de maccabler depuis Le Commencement de la Revolution...
[ New ] Brunswick [ New ] Jersey, August, 1791 . Urges Hamilton to establish at New Brunswick...
Go Little Essay but go With Care Nor Meet ill timed our Presedants Ear He by the God of Man is...
Your Very Frindly Letter of the 14th. March last Came Duly to hand. it gave and Still gives Me...
Your letter of the 6th. inst. came to hand in 4 days of the post mark; Bad as the roads are at...
I have Deferred Acknowleging the reipt. of your Very Obliging Lettr. Of 16 June Last wherein in a...
I have not had the pleasure to receive a Line from you in Some time—Did you know what pleasure...