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Results 54511-54560 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favors of the 16th & 17th were recieved last night; but neither the commissions or Warrants mentioned in the last to be forwarded have come. I suppose they have been put into the post office after the hour and will [be on] by the next post. I recieve by this your opinion & those of the Secretaries of the Treasury & War on our Barbary affairs. I had before asked & received that of mr...
From the dispatches herewith sent you will perceive the state of our affairs in the Mediterranean. I am seriously apprehensive that Commodore Morris may not have considered himself authorised to retain the Boston and that, if he has retained her, he will not, with the addition of the New York, be able to protect our Citizens. The Enemys Coast is so extended that the dangers are great. And the...
When I received your Commission, I was fully sensible; that I should retain the exercise of it; during your pleasure, & no longer. When therefore I received your letter on the 18th. of this month, desiring my resignation, as the Commission was designed for another Story , I immediatly sat down, & penned my resignation, as was in duty bound. But I couched it in such terms as to leave an opening...
On Monday evening I returned to my family. Days of constant activity, and some of fatigue were succeeded by nights of sound sleep. This with a good appetite, and good food to satisfy it, afforded me as good health as I ever enjoyed, and which I still retain. My labours have been crowned with Success & one of the Locks in Wood Creek is contemplated, a Second greatly advanced and a third will be...
I write in haste in hopes that this may overtake Mr. Lyle and correct an error in my last. Notwithstanding the appointment of Genl Victor & several other officers for Louisiana, among others a Compt[r]oller of the forests, no Prefet is yet appointed—nor is the difference relative to the Floridas settled. Spain insists that they are not ceded and I have certain information that two days ago the...
19 August 1802, Natchez. “In a former letter I stated to you the want of confidence on the part of many of the Citizens of this Territory in their Supreme Judiciary; the deficiency of legal talents in two of the Judges; and the propriety there was, in supplying the first vacancy with a character of good law information. It is now reported that Judge Tilton has resigned.… But there is another...
19 August 1802, Gibraltar. No. 96. Encloses Simpson’s dispatches reporting the settlement of difficulties between U.S. and Morocco; the emperor has withdrawn orders for cruisers to attack American ships. “Comodor Morris in the Chesapeake & the Schooner Enterprize Saild yesterday for Leghorn with about 11 Sail of our Vessels, & near as many Swedes, he is also to take up those that are detaind...
Being without the honor of any of your favours I beg leave to be referrd to my last No. 95. I have now the pleasure to inform you that Consul Simpson of Tanger advised me of his having settled the differences with the Emperour of Morroco, & that the order to his Cruisers for taking American Vessels was withdrawn; for further particulars referr to said Gentlemans Dispatches enclosed. Comodor...
Last evening I had the pleasure to receive from my long valued Friend E Gerry Esqr, a Letter, accompanied by One for Yourself, which he requests me to enclose and forward to Monticello under my own Cover. This I now have the Honor to do, and embrace the opportunity to pray You to be assured that I am, with the highest Respect, Sir, Your obliged, and most obed. hble. Servt RC ( MHi ); at foot...
I once more return the proposed regulations concerning the Mississipi trade. Nothing can be substituted to the agency of the Consul or Vice Consul at New Orleans: that agency constitutes the essence of the regulations & was always contemplated whilst the bill was framed & discussed: the identity of the article cannot otherways be proven than at the port where the vessel takes her cargo, or...
The Secretary of the Treasury, respectfully represents to the President of the United States, that Joshua Head , collector of customs for the port of Waldoborough (Massachusetts) has failed in rendering his quarterly accounts, none later than those for the quarter ending on the 30th september, last, having been received: nor has he, from that time, rendered any weekly, or other return,...
I had the honor to recieve your note of the 13th. inst. with the enclosures from Genl La fayette, and I pray you to accept my thanks for your politeness in recieving & forwarding them to me. I regret that the mistake to which you allude should have given you a moment’s concern. It was extremely natural under the circumstances which attended the rect. of the package, and is one for which I have...
Your favor of the 16th. came duly to hand with the papers to which it referred. I now forward others recd. by the last mail. I have signified to Mr. Sumpter that his resignation was acquiesced in, and have used a language calculated to satisfy him that he retains the good opinion of the Executive. What is to be said to Mr. Livingston on his request that he may appt. a private Secretary, and...
Since I left London I have received your letter accompanying the instructions & authority concerning the settlement of our Boundary with Great Britain —and in consequence thereof have written to Mr Gore, desiring him to communicate to Lord Hawkesbury that powers have been sent to me for this purpose, and to request his Lordship to put the business in such a train as to be settled upon my...
18 August 1802, Department of State, Washington. “The Secretary of State of the United States presents his respects to Mr. Olsen, and does himself the honor to forward herewith to him Exequators for the Gentlemen whose names are subjoined,… agreeably to Mr. Olsen’s letter of the 29th. of last month to the Secretary of State. The delay unavoidably incurred in procuring the necessary signatures...
18 August 1802, Lisbon. Mentions that they last wrote on 31 Dec. 1801 and 29 Jan. 1802 , “the contents of both which, we now confirm, and herewith beg Permission to hand you extract of our account to this day, on which, the Balance due to us is Rs: 42,211$ 815, & having Occasion for this Property in Europe, we have for some time endeavoured to pass our Bills on you, but the low rate of dollars...
The inclosed Copies of a Correspondence , are most respectfully submitted by Your most obedient & very humble Servants RC ( DLC : Rare Book and Special Collections Division); at foot of text: “The President of the United States.” Enclosure: see below. Abijah Adams (1754–1816) of Boston, worked for his younger brother Thomas Adams as clerk and bookkeeper for the Boston Independent Chronicle ,...
A late attempt at a monopoly of Salt in this Western Country—occasions me to trouble you with this letter—To counteract the banefull effects of this monopoly a company has formed with a determination to lower the price of this necessary of life—This will be effected provided they can procure a lick either by purchase or on Lease, that will answer the purpose the company has in View—but it is...
Your favor of the 16th. came duly to hand with the papers to which it referred. I now forward others recd. by the last mail. I have signified to Mr. Sumpter that his resignation was acquiesced in, and have used a language calculated to satisfy him that he retains the good opinion of the Executive. What is to be said to Mr. Livingston on his requests that he may appt. a private Secretary, and...
I have just received a line from you , informing me that the Commission, which I received, was designed for Joseph Story Esqr. of Salem. I have never yet acted under it, & never shall , unless I should receive further authority from you. He is not my son, but my Nephew.— I am very desirous of receiving some Commission from you in the civil department, as I have left the clerical. As I have the...
I now return you the papers forwarded by the merchants of Philadelphia and Boston on the subject of the wrongs they complain of at Buenos Ayres. I observe that they have not gone into a developement of the subject. Two or three cases are opened with some degree of detail; as to the rest we have only a list of the ships for which our interference is claimed. But in cases where a hair’s breadth...
17 August 1802, New York. Notifies JM of his arrival in New York after a passage of fifty-seven days from London; “I shall conc[e]ive it my duty to proceed to the Seat of Government when I am advised of your being there.” Asks JM to “direct a remitta⟨nce⟩ to me here of three or four thousand doll⟨ars⟩ which I expect will [be] due to me on a settlemen⟨t⟩ of my Accounts.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD ,...
I have the honor to advise y ou of my arrival here Yesterday, after a passage of 57 days from London. I shall conc e ive it my duty to proceed to the Seat of Government when I am advised of your being there, & of which you will have the goodness to inform me. My late Letters from London would advise you of the refusal of Messr. Bird, Savage & Bird to advance me money on the req uisition of Mr....
Encouraged by that Philanthropy of disposition for which you are so eminently distinguished among the human race, I presume to lay before you a few particulars, which, tho’ they only relate to myself in the first place, yet you may possibly think not beneath your serious attention, as the object to which they are finally and ultimately directed, is the relieving the Miseries and Distresses of...
I enclose herewith the following papers Recommendation for Commisrs. of Bankruptcy at Poukepsie in support of those formerly made by Bailey & Van Cortland Certificate of Mr Nourse showing that Mr Hopkins has charged for two clerks according to law. Whether he has employed only one, your informant should substantiate if it be true. Letters relative to the incapacity of Claud Thomson collector...
Jespair que la presente Resûe vous trouvaira En bonne Senté, je resûe, vôtre, honorable lettre le 16—datée du 13 ausitôt, Je me sui, Enpraicé, d’avoir l’honneur di repondre. Monsieur Je fait venir, le pompié pour examiner la pompe de la maison, il, ma promit de la mettre En bonne ordre,—Monsieur, le paûvre, petit Enfant asnet est Mor le 14. du Courant, mais je vous asur que le Bon dieux, lui...
I now return you the papers forwarded by the merchants of Philadelphia and Boston on the subject of the wrongs they complain of at Buenos Ayres. I observe that they have not gone into a developement of the subject. two or three cases are opened with some degree of detail; as to the rest we have only a list of the ships for which our interference is claimed. but in cases where a hair’s breadth...
We the Subscribers, Merchants, & other Inhabitants of Marblehead, have noticed, with no small concern, the information, contained in the public prints of the intended removal from office, of Samuel R. Gerry esqr. Collector of this port. And altho’ we have no disposition improperly to interfere in any of the acts of your administration, and are persuaded that, in this instance in particular,...
I inclose you a letter from a mr Isaac Mansfield as attorney for the representative of James Mugford , who was killed in an action on board a vessel which he commanded whereby, under the then existing regulations, his widow became entitled to a bounty . I inclose it to you because, if entitled by the existing laws, the [inquiries] first come to your office for it’s sanction before it could be...
Captain James Barron and some other Officers of the Navy who have been heretofore commissioned but whose Commissions for the want of proper blanks being then ready were filled up on such as were originally intended for Warrants, are solicitous for the sake of appearance, to have them exchanged; I have therefore the honor to request your signature to the 15 blank Commissions transmitted...
A Business of very considerable importance calls me suddenly to England, for which I shall embark immediately. I had not an Opportunity to advise you of my intention of leaving Orleans before I sailed for this Place where I have been but a few days. The Situation of affairs in Luisiana is such that my presence except as an influential private Character can be of no service to my Country, the...
I have the honor to enclose a Letter from the Auditor in which he expresses his doubts of the legality of the Expenditures incurred for the relief of Seamen subsequent to the year 1799, beyond the allowance of twelve cents ⅌ day, established by the Act of 14th: April 1792. I have had a verbal communication on the subject, with the Comptroller of the Treasury, have carefully examined the Laws,...
I now return all the papers recieved from you by this post, except those relative to our affairs at Buenos Ayres. Mr. Boudinot’s provisional measures for taking care of the Mint on shutting it up appear entirely proper. The 5th. alone seems imperfect, as I do not see why a positive conclusion should not have been formed as to the care of the bullion, the most important part of the charge. I...
I informed you in my last that I found some relaxation on the subject of the floridas in my last conversation with the Spanish Minister I have reason to think that within this few days they have come to a settlement with France on that subject what it is I can not precisely say but I presume that it is whatever France wishes it to be. I find all the old French maps mark the river Perdigo as...
As soon as I received your Letter of the 11th. of May last an enquiry into the representation of the Minister of Spain to the Department of State of an indignity offered to his Sovereign and of certain violences committed on a number of Spanish Sailors in Philadelphia was instituted but from a variety of untoward circumstances, such as the absence of the Cheif-Justice, the Attorney General,...
On the 5th. Inst. arrived here 2 french 74 Gunships a Brig and Corvetta under the orders of a rear admiral haveing on board General Hulen as Ambasador of Bonapt. On the 6th. he demanded of the dey to renounce all money Claims on france to admit of the free navigation of The Italian republic— to punish with Severity 2 algerine Captains for over acts against france That france will give no...
16 August 1802, Rutland, Vermont. Recommends Samuel Prentiss of Rutland for the post of commissioner of bankruptcy. “P⟨r⟩entiss is about thirty five ⟨years o⟩f age has been Educated ⟨in⟩ the profession of the Law—is a man of good morals and good habits and in my opinion very capable of discharging the duties of a Commissioner.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Prentiss”). 1 p....
Letter not found. 16 August 1802, Norfolk. Mentioned in Brent to Marsh, 21 Aug. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), in which Brent promised to forward the letter to JM and noted, “it does not appear that any further step is requisite on your part as agent of Mr. Blanchard, with respect to the Commission in question.”
16 August 1802, Algiers. Describes the French response to demands made on them by the dey and the state of relations between Algiers and Great Britain, “the Dons” of Spain, and Portugal, and suggests that the dey might next direct his aggressions against the Scandinavian countries or the United States. Asks to have his letter forwarded to JM. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Málaga, vol. 1). 3 pp.;...
The Accident which deprived you (for the Present) The pleasure of Mr Shorts Company last week Conveyed him to my simple abode, made me exceedingly happy—that it suited so well—his almost exhausted frame—after so tedious & fatiguing persuit of his Brother . Moreover he had leisure to look over the particulars of his funds—my a/c. &c. &c. copies of which I instantly furnished him...
The inclosed letter from Govr. Tatnall and petition from the inhabitants over the Cherokee boundary, on a subject which Colo. Wafford had before presented to us , renders it necessary to advert again to it. I think we have had some information from our Commissioners of the unsuccessful endeavors they used, according to our instructions, to obtain indulgence for these settlers, but I do not...
J’ai trouvé ici des préventions très défavorables contre votre Nation, et l’habitude d’attribuer par indivis à votre Gouvernement les choses dont la France a réellement à se plaindre de la part de celui de Mr Adams et de ses Ministres. J’ai représenté que c’êtait précisément tomber dans la même erreur que si l’on reprochait au Premier Consul les fautes du Directoire. J’ai trouvé les Commandans...
I received this morning your letter of the 9th instt. on the subject of Morocco & the Barbary powers. The arrangement of the mail between this & Monticello is not favorable, since this answer to your’s of the 9th cannot leave Washington before to morrow evening 17th. This I regret, as time on such occasion is precious. I will write, on the supposition that you have received the account of the...
I now return all the papers recieved from you by this post , except those relative to our affairs at Buenos Ayres. Mr. Boudinot’s provisional measures for taking care of the Mint on shutting it up appear entirely proper. the 5th. alone seems imperfect, as I do not see why a positive conclusion should not have been formed as to the care of the bullion, the most important part of the charge. I...
Your’s of the 13th. is this moment recieved, informing me of the vacancy in the office of Surveyor of the city, by the departure of the late Surveyor, & of the necessity of an immediate appointment. according therefore to what had been proposed, on that event’s taking place, I presume it is proper to appoint mr Nicholas King to that place. I believe this appointment was heretofore made by the...
The certificate for 1000. acres of land in the name of John Peyton which you inclosed me shall be forwarded to the war office by this day’s post. without some authentic designation however of the person to whom the patent is to be granted it will of course come out in the name of John Peyton. I mention this, that if you wish it otherwise, you may furnish me with the supplementary papers...
Your favor of the 9h. I had the pleasure of receiving yesterday. The disposition manifested by the Emperor of Morocco is evidently hostile and evinces a determination to go to War with us unless we abanden the expedition against Tripoli. And the unhappy affair of Capt McNeill with the squadron of Tunis cannot but have involved us with that power. This state of things demanding immediate...
Nothing will satisfy the unhappy James Mc.Girk, who is sentenced to be executed on the twenty eighth of this month, but that I should go to Monticello, to intercede with the President for his life. Oppressive and inconvenient as it is to me at this time, I suppose I must comply. I am the rather prompted to it, as I persuade myself that when his case is fully understood by the President, he...
The undersigned , compassionating the unhappy situation of James Mac Gurk, now confined in the jail of the County of Washington, in the District of Columbia, and sentenced to be executed on the twenty eighth day of August, 1802, and conceiving that his severe and rigid confinement for one year in the said jail, loaded with irons, a confinement protracted on account of the legal embarrassments...
I have had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 5th: inst. with its enclosure of the 2nd. ultimo. —It gives me particular pleasure to learn that measures have been taken to relieve the distresses of our seamen in New-Orleans; but the provision is by no means adequate to the end, & the sum appropriated would for many years to come be absorbed in the Erection of a Building fit to receive...