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Results 54511-54520 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favors of the 16th & 17th were recieved last night; but neither the commissions or Warrants mentioned in the last to be forwarded have come. I suppose they have been put into the post office after the hour and will [be on] by the next post. I recieve by this your opinion & those of the Secretaries of the Treasury & War on our Barbary affairs. I had before asked & received that of mr...
From the dispatches herewith sent you will perceive the state of our affairs in the Mediterranean. I am seriously apprehensive that Commodore Morris may not have considered himself authorised to retain the Boston and that, if he has retained her, he will not, with the addition of the New York, be able to protect our Citizens. The Enemys Coast is so extended that the dangers are great. And the...
When I received your Commission, I was fully sensible; that I should retain the exercise of it; during your pleasure, & no longer. When therefore I received your letter on the 18th. of this month, desiring my resignation, as the Commission was designed for another Story , I immediatly sat down, & penned my resignation, as was in duty bound. But I couched it in such terms as to leave an opening...
On Monday evening I returned to my family. Days of constant activity, and some of fatigue were succeeded by nights of sound sleep. This with a good appetite, and good food to satisfy it, afforded me as good health as I ever enjoyed, and which I still retain. My labours have been crowned with Success & one of the Locks in Wood Creek is contemplated, a Second greatly advanced and a third will be...
I write in haste in hopes that this may overtake Mr. Lyle and correct an error in my last. Notwithstanding the appointment of Genl Victor & several other officers for Louisiana, among others a Compt[r]oller of the forests, no Prefet is yet appointed—nor is the difference relative to the Floridas settled. Spain insists that they are not ceded and I have certain information that two days ago the...
19 August 1802, Natchez. “In a former letter I stated to you the want of confidence on the part of many of the Citizens of this Territory in their Supreme Judiciary; the deficiency of legal talents in two of the Judges; and the propriety there was, in supplying the first vacancy with a character of good law information. It is now reported that Judge Tilton has resigned.… But there is another...
19 August 1802, Gibraltar. No. 96. Encloses Simpson’s dispatches reporting the settlement of difficulties between U.S. and Morocco; the emperor has withdrawn orders for cruisers to attack American ships. “Comodor Morris in the Chesapeake & the Schooner Enterprize Saild yesterday for Leghorn with about 11 Sail of our Vessels, & near as many Swedes, he is also to take up those that are detaind...
Being without the honor of any of your favours I beg leave to be referrd to my last No. 95. I have now the pleasure to inform you that Consul Simpson of Tanger advised me of his having settled the differences with the Emperour of Morroco, & that the order to his Cruisers for taking American Vessels was withdrawn; for further particulars referr to said Gentlemans Dispatches enclosed. Comodor...
Last evening I had the pleasure to receive from my long valued Friend E Gerry Esqr, a Letter, accompanied by One for Yourself, which he requests me to enclose and forward to Monticello under my own Cover. This I now have the Honor to do, and embrace the opportunity to pray You to be assured that I am, with the highest Respect, Sir, Your obliged, and most obed. hble. Servt RC ( MHi ); at foot...
I once more return the proposed regulations concerning the Mississipi trade. Nothing can be substituted to the agency of the Consul or Vice Consul at New Orleans: that agency constitutes the essence of the regulations & was always contemplated whilst the bill was framed & discussed: the identity of the article cannot otherways be proven than at the port where the vessel takes her cargo, or...