Results 54511-54520 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favors of the 16th & 17th were recieved last night; but neither the commissions or Warrants...
From the dispatches herewith sent you will perceive the state of our affairs in the...
When I received your Commission, I was fully sensible; that I should retain the exercise of it;...
On Monday evening I returned to my family. Days of constant activity, and some of fatigue were...
I write in haste in hopes that this may overtake Mr. Lyle and correct an error in my last....
19 August 1802, Natchez. “In a former letter I stated to you the want of confidence on the part...
19 August 1802, Gibraltar. No. 96. Encloses Simpson’s dispatches reporting the settlement of...
Being without the honor of any of your favours I beg leave to be referrd to my last No. 95. I...
Last evening I had the pleasure to receive from my long valued Friend E Gerry Esqr, a Letter,...
I once more return the proposed regulations concerning the Mississipi trade. Nothing can be...