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Results 54511-54520 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received your Favor of the 10th Octo. accompanied with your Letter addressed to Lord Cornwallis—Before the Receipt of which his Lordship had surrenderd himself & Army prisoners of War to the United States—in Consequence of which, it is not in that late Gentleman Commanders Power to give you any Relief in Behalf of Govr Burke. I am very sorry for the unhappy Situation & ill treatment of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). On the cover is this note: “Colo. Pendleton will be so Obliging as to bring the form he promised to Church next Sunday T. Jones.” Pendleton and Thomas Jones (d. 1782), a planter, lived in St. Mary’s Parish, Caroline County, and were members of the same congregation of the Church of England. JM addressed the letter to “The Honble Edmund Pendleton Esqr Caroline County...
AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Library of Congress, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan I have ordered another Sum into your hands for the Prisoners, and will keep you constantly supply’d so as that you may furnish them with a Shilling each per Week from the middle of November to the Middle of March. I hear nothing from Digges. Do you know what is become of him? I am...
Copy: Library of Congress Made Montgomery qui me fait l’honneur de se charger de celle cy, est une Dame Ameriquaine qui n’a d’autre But en venant en Europe, que celui de donner la meilleure Education a son fils unique, qui l’accompagne. M’ayant demandé mon Conseil a ce Sujet, j’ai cru ne pouvoir mieux seconder ses Vues qu’en vous l’adressant. Il seroit inutile de vous recommander...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress; copy: Virginia State Library, Richmond I have consider’d your Proposition to me, that I should legalize your Bonds for the State of Virginia. The Manner of doing this, as you explain’d it to me verbally, is by writing on each of them the Word Vue , with my Signature. I have taken Advice on this Subject, and am informed that it is by no means proper for...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I had the Honor to Write your Excellency, the 28: of Last Month, to Which I have not been favor’d With an Answer,— Mr. Nesbitt, has Likewise mentiond my Situation to you— I have this Day, recieved A Letter from Captn. John Kinnear, the person for Whom it was proposed I should be Exchanged, Who Engages in Case he Gets his Liberty on Parole, to Make his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I profit by the oppertunity of the bearer Monsieur Bory to transmit the Bond duely executed for the Commission of the Brig Mariana for which I hold my self obliged to you. We may flatter ourselves from the receiption Admiral Greaves met with from Comte de Grass of seeing the Southern States freed from the Rapatious ravages of a cruel Enemy. Permit me to...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Since my arrival here which was on the 27th. of Augt: N.S. I have taken up one thousand Roubles upon Mr: Grand’s letter of Credit upon Messrs: Strahlborn & Wolff, at different times, and yesterday drew a bill upon you for the same, value in Sterlg: £197. 18. 4 if I have not miscast it. This is the course in which Mr: Grand has proposed this business...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We rece’d your very Kind favor of the 12th. of April last, which was detain’d by Accident near two Months at Rouen, & until the Friend who carried you our Letter return’d from Paris.— Since then our distress’d Situation has put it out of our Power to return you sooner, our best thanks for your Friendly Opinion & advice.— We lament the Necessity we are under...
54520General Orders, 31 October 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Brigadier General Hazen Lieutenant Colonel Cochran Major Graham Brigade Major Fullerton General Wayne’s brigade for Guard and Fatigue in Yorktown and Hazen’s for levelling the works tomorrow. The Quartermaster General is requested to point out a House in York or elsewhere convenient for a Provost. Notwithstanding the repeated Orders for that purpose it is reported there...