Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 27 August 1802

To Albert Gallatin

Monticello Aug. 27. 1802.

Dear Sir

Your’s of the 24th. came to hand last night. the rapidity with which the post moves between Washington & New York will render our communications probably quicker while you are there than if you had retired into the country.

Mine of the 23d. gave you the Christian name of Doctr. Shore, to wit John. a further conversation with the Governor leaves no doubt of the propriety of the appointment. there is a General Jones of the same place, equally worthy, equally republican & efficacious in the maintenance of good principles: but embarrassed in his affairs, and therefore less secure as the depository of the public money. tho’ in the same politics, they are personally hostile to each other. both have been formerly willing to recieve this office, and I know of no reason to doubt their being so now. having recieved only yesterday mr Page’s resignation (tho’ dated the 9th. inst.) the commission for mr Shore may be made out. for this you will be pleased to make the usual application to the proper office, and have it forwarded to me for signature unless they have blanks already signed.—you have heard the general suspicion that the Federalist agents of our government among the Indians have inspired them with distrust & jealousy of the dispositions of the present administration to them. a late speech of Red jacket fixes the fact as to Chapin, who thro’ his mouth has spoken a high toned party speech.—Accept assurances of my affectionate esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

RC (NHi: Gallatin Papers); addressed: “Albert Gallatin Secretary of the Treasury New York”; endorsed. PrC (DLC). Recorded in SJL with notation “miscells.”

GENERAL Joseph JONES became postmaster at Petersburg in January 1804. He succeeded John Shore as collector in 1811 (Stets, Postmasters description begins Robert J. Stets, Postmasters & Postoffices of the United States 1782–1811, Lake Oswego, Ore., 1994 description ends , 267; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States . . . to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington, D.C., 1828, 3 vols. description ends , 2:192).

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