54261To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Thomson: Résumé, 26 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania ⟨October 26, 1784: Mr. Joseph Norris, the second son of our friend Charles Norris, will wait on you with this letter. He goes to Europe with the intention of establishing commercial connections. He is anxious to see Paris, and wants it to be known that you are an old friend of his family. I hope you will point out to him the paths of virtue and...
54262To Benjamin Franklin from Rosalia Maria Paradis, 27 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pardonnés la liberté que je prend de vous importuner Mais l’amittié que vous avés bien voullu Nous temoigner M’enhardit a vous faire une prierre. Le desir que Nous avons de Nous procure un Souvenire d’un homme qui est aussi Célebre par Ses tellents et Son Mérite personelle que vous. Nous Mettrions au Comble de faveur Si vous voulliés bien Nous Mettre un Mot...
54263Entry in Maria Theresia Paradis’ Autograph Book, 27 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ADS : Wienbibliothek Wherever you go, may Health and Happiness attend you. In this quarto volume bound in red morocco, Paradis collected inscriptions as well as drawings dating from 1774 to 1821: Marion Fürst, Maria Theresia Paradis: Mozarts berühmte Zeitgenossin (Cologne, 2005), pp. 8–11, 110. For more on Germanic autograph books, or Stammbücher, see XXXIV , 316n.
54264To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Shipley, [before 28 October 1784] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was forcd by business & interruption & a desire not to lose the opportunity of answering your Letter by the return of your Grandson, whom I fear I am destind not to see, to omit telling You what You wishd to hear of my dear Daughter Lady Jones: Before She left England She livd in the very best Society upon the very best footing. The most considerable...
54265The American Commissioners to Aranda: Résumé, 28 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: National Archives ⟨Passy, October 28, 1784: We received your letter of September 27 and thank you for sending the news of our appointment to your court. Regarding your question of whether one or more of us could travel to Madrid in order to conduct and conclude the negotiation, we have the honor to inform you that the United States in Congress assembled has proposed treaties with most of...
54266To Benjamin Franklin from Rodolphe-Ferdinand Grand, [28 October 1784?] (Franklin Papers)
Copy: National Archives Mr Morris par sa Lettre du 27 May, me marque qu’il attendoit une future occasion pour me repondre au sujet de Fonds des Etats Unis, toutes les miennes l’ayant prevenu de mes besoins. Cette occasion s’est bien présentée, puisque J’ai reçu diverses de ses Lettres depuis, mais dans aucune il n’a été question de cet objet tout important qu’il fût, ne lui ayant point laissé...
54267To Benjamin Franklin from Vergennes, 28 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Je joins icy M. le nouveau Saufconduit que vous avez demandé en faveur du Sr. Williams par la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 18 de ce mois. Il est Sans doute instruit de la necessité de le faire enregistrer au Bureau des gardes du Commerce.
54268To Benjamin Franklin from the Abbé de Charmois, with Franklin’s Note for a Reply, 29 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le nommé francisque Sube, ci devant Soldat au regiment d’agenois, compagnie de peyre, á servi dans vos guerres, et á Recû plusieurs Blessures au Siege d’yorc; il est actuellement dans sa patrie à Tours, ou on lui á envoié avec son congé absolû les certificats les plus honorables. Ce Brave Soldat auroit envie de retourner dans vos Etats, et il le desire...
54269To Benjamin Franklin from James Bourdieu, 30 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ose Espérer que vous voudrés bien me Permettre de vous renouveller ma recommandation en Favreur de M.M. de Vaux, Frêres, de Bruxelles, dont J’ay eu l’honneur d’Etretenir votre Excellence, et qui Se Proposent d’aller S’Etablir Incessament a New-yorck; Vous avez eu la bonté de me Promettre de vous Intérésser á eux; Ils attachent, ainsi que moy, le Plus...
54270To Benjamin Franklin from Vergennes, [30 October 1784] (Franklin Papers)
Copy: National Archives Je suis informé, Monsieur, par une Lettre de M. de Marbois dattée de Philadelphie le 24 Août dernier, qu’il a conferé avec M. Morris touchant les intérêts de l’emprunt de Hollande fait pour le compte des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale sous le garantie du Roi, ainsi que sur les autres dettes des dits Etats envers Sa Majesté, reconnues & stipulées dans les...
54271How to Warm a Room in Winter and Cool It in Summer, Communicated by Franklin to Jonathan Williams, Jr., [1 November … (Franklin Papers)
D : The Lilly Library Note the Back of the Kitchen Chimney being of Iron will warm the Room behind it, the folding doors being open allows the heat to pass into the Room & the air Pipe being shut prevents its going away: this is for Winter.— In summer the Doors being shut the heat cannot get into the Room & the slides being drawn out the heat will escape throw the air pipe. The hole at the...
54272To Benjamin Franklin from William Temple Franklin, 1 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am here in the middle of that Family you so much love, and who I can assure you, make you most ample Returns.— My Expectations of the Worthy Bishop, Mrs. Shipley & her Daughters—however exalted,—have been fully satisfied. The Dean his Son, is also here on a Visit—and is every way agreable. I did intend to have visited Lord Shelburne on my Return to...
54273To Benjamin Franklin from Gilles de Lavallée, 1 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society Il y a environ deux ans, J’eus Lhonneur d’entretenir Votre Excellence sur le Projet que J’avois formé d’etablir dans L’amerique et a Philadelphie une ou plusieurs Manufactures de Rubanerie par les moyens des Moulins et Machines qui preparent avec Celerité les matieres et par le moyen des Metiers grande mécanique faisant à la fois depuis Seize Jusquà Vingt...
54274To Benjamin Franklin from Bethia Alexander, 3 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous envoye, mon cher Docteur, les chansons ecossois que vous avez paru desirer—pour prix de mon exactitude. Je vous demande de n’etre plus cru celle de la famille qui vous aime le moins— On dit que Madame Hewson ne vient plus, me voulez vous a sa place?— Madm: de la Marck vous remercie des Grains elle en voudra encore—de plusieurs differens especes—elle...
54275To Benjamin Franklin from Francesco Chiappe: Two Letters, 3 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
(I) and (II): Translations from the Italian: National Archives; copies: National Archives (three); Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères After having executed his Imperial Majesty’s commands agreeable to the enclos’d, I take the Liberty to inform your Excellency that lately a Ship of his I. M. Rais Hamet Turchi—having taken an American Vessel with a Cargo of Salt Petre and Clothing,...
54276The Levée, [before 6 November 1784] (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), 111, 307–8. In the first chapter of Job we have an account of a transaction said to have arisen in the court, or at the levée, of the best of all possible princes, or of governments by a single person, viz. that of God himself. At this levée, in which the sons...
54277To Benjamin Franklin from Sir Edward Newenham, 6 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I request leave to Introduce to your Presence the Bearer of this Letter, Mr: Canier Major of the Independant Dublin Volunteers; he has always been a Steady & active friend to the Rights & Liberties of his Country, and by his public Conduct has obtained the Confidence of his fellow-Citizens— His Character in Private life is just & amiable— Should my...
54278To Benjamin Franklin from Georgiana Shipley, 6 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You can not imagine the pleasure we received from hearing Mr Franklin was in England, we waited his coming to Chilbolton with the most anxious expectation not as a mere stranger, whom we were desirous of seeing, but as a person for whom we already entertained a particular regard. He was so good as to give us his company for two days— He appears an exceeding...
54279To Benjamin Franklin from Etienne-Alexandre-Jacques Anisson-Duperon, dit Anisson fils, 8 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’apprends, que vous avez recû d’angleterre des caracteres fondus suivant la nouvelle méthode expliquée dans une brochure dont l’auteur est en correspondance avec vous: vous Savez avec quel intérêt je recherche tout ce qui a quelque rapport a la Typographie, ceci m’interesse plus que tout autre, je vous aurois, Monsieur, la plus grande obligation si vous...
54280To Benjamin Franklin from William Temple Franklin, 9 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You may recollect, my dear Sir, when I informed you of Mrs. Hewsons having deviated from her first Determination, I said, or hinted, that it was not impossible that she might change again:— It has turn’d out so. On my Return from Chilbolton I found a Letter from her, informing me that I had staid so long, that I had given her time to Change her Mind again—&...
54281Thomas Jefferson to Franklin and John Adams: Two Memoranda, [before 10 November 1784] (Franklin Papers)
(I) AD and AD (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; (II) AD and AD (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society When Congress instructed the commissioners to negotiate twenty treaties in two years, it did not send a draft treaty; it specified nine “points [to] be carefully stipulated” in the accords. Faced with so daunting an assignment...
54282Proposal for a Prussian-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce: Articles 13, 23, and 24, [before 10 November 1784] (Franklin Papers)
Copy: National Archives The twenty-seven-article treaty proposal that the American commissioners sent to Thulemeier on November 10 was copied, with the appropriate adjustments, from the one they had prepared for use with Denmark; see the headnote and documents immediately above. Jefferson’s final draft of the proposal for Denmark is published in The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, with all...
54283The American Commissioners to Thulemeier, 10 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: National Archives We received the Letter your Excellency did us the honour of writing to us the 8th Ulto. together with the copy of your full powers to treat with us. Mr Adams had as you suppose, preserved a copy of the project of a Treaty that had been concerted between your Excellency & him; but having by instruction from the Congress our Sovereign certain new articles to propose in...
54284From Benjamin Franklin to Anisson fils, 10 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Bibliothèque nationale I send you enclos’d the Characters you desire to see, cast in the new manner lately invented in England. They are first cast separately, and after being compos’d into Words or Parts of Words, those are united by a second Casting of additional Metal. This Operation doubles the Price of the Fount. I have directed my Grandson who is now in London, to visit the...
54285From Benjamin Franklin to C. F. d’Inarre, 10 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft) and press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 22d of last Month, requesting my Advice as to your Removal to America. The enclos’d Pamphlet will answer most of your Questions. Understanding Agriculture there is no doubt of your being able to live comfortably in Pensylvania, where there are many wealthy German...
54286To Benjamin Franklin from John Bondfield, 10 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Just returnd to Bordeaux from the Country where by your friendly Assistance I have resided since I left Passi. Accept my most respectful accknowledgemts. for your kind services, Services of a nature that cannot be errast and of which I shall ever retain a most sincere reconnoisance. By my last Letters from Paris I am not more advanct than when I left that...
54287To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de La Touche, 10 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai lhonneur, Monsieur, de vous Supplier de vouloir bien jetter un Coup d’Oeil favorable Sur les Papiers que j’ai lhonneur de vous faire Passer. Votre Recommandation dans cett affaire étant du Plus grand Poids, j’ai lieu d’Espèrer que L’Intérêt que vous voudrès bien y Mettre en assurera le Succès. Les demandes du Sr chevalié, étant, on ne peut pas plus,...
54288Outline of an Unsent Letter to Charles Thomson, [before 11 November 1784] (Franklin Papers)
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society These notes for a letter that was never written display a sense of bitterness and disappointment rarely seen in Franklin’s papers. That he even contemplated sending such a letter, albeit a private one—admitting to Thomson that he felt unappreciated and was “sorry and asham’d” for having asked a personal favor of Congress (a favor not granted)—betrays...
54289The American Commissioners to the President of Congress: Résumé, 11 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Copy and AL (draft): National Archives ⟨Paris, November 11, 1784: Having assembled here at the end of August, we followed the instructions of Congress by announcing our appointment and its purpose to such powers as we thought it advisable at this time to address. We wrote a circular letter in the form of enclosure 1 to the ambassadors or other ministers from the courts of Saxony, the Two...
54290From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Bache, 11 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : British Library I received your Letters of the 28th. of August, and 10th of September, with the Newspapers by M. Sailly, but they were very incompleat and broken Sets, many being omitted perhaps the most material, which is disagreable to me who wish to be well inform’d of what is doing among you. I was glad to receive the good Account B & S have given of their good Treatment of those...