Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William Green, 24 July 1792

From William Green1

New York.
the 24th July 1792


I do myself the honor to enclose to you an Abstract of the Acts of the British Parliament respecting their East India Trade to the Year 1760 Inclusive.2

Arrangements are under consideration, but not decided on, for my case; with the result of which, I shall make you early acquainted: but by this post; I am desirous only to convey this Abstract with a line that I may not appear negligent. But I think I shall be able to be particular in my communications of tomorrow or thursday. In the interim I beg you to be persuaded of the perfect respect & consideration of

Sir   Your most Obedt. humble Servant

William Green

Alexr. Hamilton Esqr.
&c &c &c

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1For information on Green, see H to William Seton, July 17, 1792, and Seton to H, July 23, 1792.

2The abstract is entitled “East India Company. The laws of England in regard thereto” (D, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

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