George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Greene, 9 September 1779

From William Greene

Warwick State Rhodeisland &C. Sepr 9th 1779


I had the Honour of receiving your Excellencys Favour of the 26th Ulto.1 And for answer say, that this State has already appointed their Clothier agreeable to the act of Congress by you mentioned.

The General Assembly meets on the 13th Instant when I shall imbrace the earliest Oppertunity to lay your letter before them when I doubt not, it will be consider’d with that attention that the importance of it Requires.2 I am with great Truth Your Obedient and most Humble Servt

W. Greene

DfS, R-Ar.

2At their September session, the Rhode Island general assembly resolved “that the council of war take such measures as they shall think best, to procure a sufficient quantity of clothing for the Continental troops raised by this state” (Bartlett, R.I. Records, description begins John Russell Bartlett, ed. Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in New England. 10 vols. Providence, 1856–65. description ends 8:597).

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