Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Tadeusz Kosciuszko, [on or after 28 July 1802]

From Tadeusz Kosciuszko

[on or after 28 July 1802]


Inclosed I have the honnor to send to you from Mr Pougens. Permit me Sir to recomend to you his desires, you know his merit and his talents. Accept my best wishes and be convinced of my sincier friendship and respect

T Kosciuszko

RC (MB); undated, but supplied from enclosure; at foot of text: “rue de Province No 43”; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Oct. and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Charles Pougens to Kosciuszko, 28 July 1802, in French, written at Paris, regarding his hope of receiving a commission from TJ to supply books for libraries and depositories in the United States; he is encouraged by William Duane’s having informed Victor Collot of his success selling foreign books in Philadelphia; Pougens wants to set an example for other Paris booksellers; he encloses a notice of his bookselling business, a summary of his planned bibliothèque française, and his plan for a new French dictionary (RC in DLC; in a clerk’s hand on printed letterhead, signed by Pougens; endorsed by TJ: “Pougens to Genl. Kosciuzko”; enclosures not found).

HIS DESIRES: for Pougens’s ambition to supply books to libraries in the United States, see Vol. 30:481, 482n.

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