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I received this morning a letter from Coll o B Peyton of Richmond , enclosing a check on the Bank of Baltim o , for thirty five dollars thirty five cents, duties & expences on a box of books consigned to my care for you, & shipped hence in the schooner Spartan to Richmond
§ From Alexander J. Dallas. 3 June 1806. “It gives me great pleasure, to comply with the request of the friends of Mr. Maurice Rogers, in stating to you, that he is a gentleman of commercial talents, amiable manners, and approved integrity. The merchants of our City are desirous to procure for him, an appointment as the Agent of the United States, at St. Iago de Cuba. I believe that the...
Since Mrs. Adams’s Departure I have revolved within myself, whether you would not have an Inclination to purchase the piece of Land on Pens Hill (belonging to the Estate of the Honle. James Verchild late of St. Kitts deceased) which you have for some years past improved. His Heirs, I am informed, are now in England, that the Estate in the West Indies is under Mortgage, But that part of it...
It was fortunate that a duplicate of your letter to Mr. Jefferson went so soon from Alexandria. The copy in My hands did not find a conveyance fit to be trusted for a very long time—it cannot have reached him yet. I was determined to await a secure opportunity, and the intermission of the French Packet left such an one extremely rare. I was compelled at last to put it into the hands of a...
After my return to Mount Vernon I looked through the letter books, and noted down the dates of all the letters recorded as having been sent to you by General Washington. The list is enclosed. Should you find upon inspection, that you possess letters of importance not comprised in this list, I hope you will have the goodness to furnish me with copies of the same. The letter dated Jany. 1789,...
Last week I sent you a number of the Monthly Theological Repository, containing some Speculations of Mr Van der Kemp and Mr Jefferson—With this Letter I enclose to my Father the numbers just published of the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews—Presuming that you know the History and Character of those Publications from Cobbett, you will sufficiently understand them to be in the Nature of Lawyer’s...
I had the honor to write your Excellency when at Monticello in this state, on the subject of the Establishment of a Cross Post from this to Staunton, informing that I expected in a few days from that date to complete the Contract, which was done the 8th. instant, except to executing the Bond, which cannot be effected until David Ross, Esqr. returns to this place, who is one of the Undertaker’s...
ALS : New Jersey Historical Society; draft: Library of Congress I was very much obliged by the letter which you did me the honor to write me by our amiable young friend the Marquis De La Fayette, whose exertions to serve this Country in his own are additional proofs of his zealous attachment to our cause, and has endeared him to us still more. He came out flushed with expectations of a...
RC (William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan). The inclosed extracts appear as sufficiently interesting, to induce us to forward them to you. The reiterated information we have lately received from different quarters leave little room to doubt, that the Southern States, will be the grand theatre of war this ensuing winter and spring. The Waggons with stores for the army under your...
I received your letter of the 11 th ins t last night & hasten to reply to it—tho’ I regret to say in not so satisfactory a manner as I could wish— At the time of Co l Nicholas ’ failure I knew you were indorser on some notes of his & should have informed you of his being protested, but doubted not Co l N would (as he has done) write you himself —I this morning called at his house & there...