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Results 541-570 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
private Your favour of the 13th ult: was duly recd. and I thank you for the communication— It...
I recd. yesterday your letter of the 14: I feel too much regard for the University of Virga. not...
Inclosed I send you the 3d. Bills of exchange, drawn upon Messrs. Baring Brothers & Co. of London...
I have just recd. from Doctr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no...
I have just recd. from Doctr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no...
I have just recd from Docr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no...
I have this day received a Communication from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the...
"Professor Davis begs of me to express to you officially his desire to occupy my Pavilion &...
Your letters of {2m#} & of {2m#} were duly recd. The articles referred to in the first were...
I take the liberty of asking a few moments of your time, if it can be spared without serious...
Yours of the 3d. came safe to hand, with that from Mrs. T. to Mrs. M. Inclosed is the answer of...
It has given me great pleasure to comply with your request as far as was practicable; and I have...
I am contemplating the compilation of a work to be entitled "The Lives of the Presidents of the...
Above I send for your approval my check on the President & Directors of Literary Fund of...
At the recommendation of Commodore Elliot, (a gentleman of great intelligence who knows all about...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 17th. Ult: with the Copy of your two Vols. entitled "year...
Allow me by this note to introduce the Marquis Charles Torrigiani of Florence, who is passing...
The presiding officer of an university most probably being the proper person for one to address...
I intended that you should first hear from myself , of the plunge I have taken; but this step has...
J. Madison has recd. the very kind & polite letter of Mr. Browere dated Apl. _______ & regrets...
The heirs of my father the late Majr Wm Taylor Sr. have a Claim against the State of Virginia for...
I have recd. your letter of the 25th. inst: which requests my Company at the laying of the Corner...
I have recd your letter of the 24th. inst. inclosing your Commission as Lieutenant in the Navy of...
The mail has just brought us information, in one case under your own hand and name, that you have...
I observe that you have received the appointment of Consul at Havanna. I doubt not that you have...
Six years have elapsed since my visit to you at Montpellier. The <urbanity> attentions and Kindly...
I have recd Sir, your letter of the 12. Inst: Passing by other remarks applicable to the scope of...
The President of the United States will assist in laying the Corner stone to the Monument,...
I make no apology for the liberty I take of addressing a letter to you. Being a Virginian by...
I have recd. from Mr. Peers President of the Transylvania University, a request of such...