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Results 541-570 of 184,431 sorted by author
I suppose you wish to hear from me and from your little boy. He is very well, and very amusing, as usual; talks of William, and of the other papa; is as fond as ever of the “fosses,” and has a great edition to his amusement and pleasures from a flock of sheep, which are daily pastured by a shepherd and his dog upon the lawn in front of our house. Bush Hill, as it is called, though by the way...
A memorable day in our Annals, which is all I shall say of politicks here. the season is very variable from hot to cold & cold to Hot, and much too dry; it has not raind since my poor furniture had such a share of it. the Trees just begin to Bud, and the ground to put on some little verdure. Faxon moved off two days ago and shaw removed in. we are getting things arranged as well as we can. I...
As I have so often troubled you with my fears tis a debt I owe your patience to communicate to you my happiness. To a Heart so susceptible as the person I address I need not discribe the joy I experienced this day in receiving Letters from my dear absent Friend informing me of his Safety and Health. He arrived at Beaudeaux the begining of April and reachd Paris the 8th, but I know not what...
Our Little Town of Quincy is become so rich that they can vote a Thousand Dollors to Build a School House, Yet cannot pay a Tax to their Minister which has been Due for more than two years. Your proportion of the Tax for the present Year including your part of the 300 for the School house is 187 Dollors 30 cents. the Braintree Tax I have not yet seen. both the collector & the School committe...
Mr. Adams received last Evening a Letter from you dated January 1st, in which you inform him of some little purchases which are very agreeable to him. I wrote you by his consent in January respecting Mr. Alleynes Farm. I suppose my Letters have not yet reachd America, as Captain Young has been detained Months in England longer than was expected. We are a little alarmed at the Hazard we have...
I had scarcly closed my packet to you when I received your Letters dated Ferrol and Corunna. I am happy indeed in your safe arrival and escape from the danger which threatned you. I feel glad that you have determined to proceed by land tho so tedious and expensive a journey. I grow more and more apprehensive of the dangers of the sea, tho I have really no Right to Quarrel with old Neptune,...
My Neighbour captain Beals went to Town yesterday and was so good as to bring up, and send me my Letters last Evening, whilst I was sitting mourning that I had no hope of getting them, as the travelling was very bad and the Day stormy. I find the Family an agreable acquisition. we live upon friendly & social terms. I agree with mr Izzard, that we are grown too old to live seperate, and I could...
I could not have conceived that a Letter written upon merely political subjects could have communicated so much pleasure to my Bosom as yours of the 28th of December to the president, of Congress, has given to mine. This Letter was taken by the Enemy, carried into New York, and published by them, and republished by Edes. For what reason the Enemy published it I cannot tell, as it contains...
As you was absent when I left home I was unable to pay you for some articles which you had purchased for me, as well as some which mrs smith had procured for me. if you will be so good as to forward me the amount, I will transmit it to you— When I pay’d mr Fothingham for the Carriage, there were the quarter Lights and some other matters which made the carriage amount to more than our first...
I was in Boston at your Brothers when Mr Shaw received Your Letters. according to the direction given him, he deliverd them. your Letter of Nov br 24 th in some measure discloses the motives which have opperated to fasten You to the Spot where You now reside. Rumour has been buisy in reports of your design to Change Your situation, but as I could not learn who the object was, I gave not any...
I this morning Received yours of March 7 favourd by Dr. Jackson. I rejoice to hear you are so comfortable. Col. Palmer informd me a Sunday that he is going to morrow as far as the Jersies being one of a Committe sent by our assembly to know of the General what proportion of Continental Troops will be allowed to this State; and does not know but he shall be obligd to proceed as far as...
We have public worship every Sunday in the Representitive’s Chamber in the Capitol; I have just returnd from hearing Bishop Clagget deliver a discourse from those words in the Gosple of st Luke, [“]Glory to God in the highest Peace on Earth, and Good Will to Men.” this is a doctrine full of Mercy and benevolence, of which the present generation appear little disposed to cultivate and cherish.—...
The day after my Son reachd home I wrote to you and requested you would inform me what I was indebted to you for my Sons passage. I had inquired of Major Jackson, who said he made no particular agreement respecting him; but that if I would write he would take charge of the Letter, and deliver it himself. I accordingly wrote and requested you to direct a Letter to me; to be left at Isaac Smiths...
How much is comprised in that short sentance? How fondly can I call you mine, bound by every tie, which consecrates the most inviolable Friendship, yet seperated by a cruel destiny, I feel the pangs of absence sometimes too sensibly for my own repose. There are times when the heart is peculiarly awake to tender impressions, when philosophy slumbers, or is overpowerd by sentiments more...
Tis a month this day since you left me, and this is the first time I have taken my pen to write to you. My conscience accuses me, but I have waited in hopes of having something worth saying to you, some event worth relating; but it has been a dead calm of dull repose. No event of any importance upon either side excepting the burning of some houses by the Enemy upon Dorchester Neck has taken...
I received your kind Letter of march eleventh yesterday. I wrote to you last week which was the first time I had been permitted to use my pen, or indeed was able too, for six weeks. I have not yet been out of my chamber. the weather has been very unfavourable this Month. I was to have tried the carriage to day but the weather is against me. I am so feeble & faint, if I move that I do not think...
The Mountains have vanished, and the ground is again bare in most places. the roads are excessive rough, and the weather uncommonly cold for March. I hope it will Soften & the Roads become Smoother, before Saturday when I shall send in the carriage for you. I do not think that George will have the Measles. I thought that Eepps Voyage to England, would end in a matrimonial engagement in Boston...
I immagine before this reaches you some very important Event must take place betwen the two Armies. Affairs on all Sides seem to be workd up to a crisis, How is putting his whole force in action and seems determined to drive or be driven. I feel in a most painfull situation between hope and fear, there must be fighting and very Bloody Battles too I apprehend. O! how my Heart recoils at the...
I received yours of Nov br 4. on thursday last. Brisler and his Family got here the same Day & are waiting the arrival of Barnard to go into their House. the President got home on fryday last, looks much fatigued with his jouney, and has beat out all his Horses. Brisler says the Roads are getting very bad, and that you will find it very tedious travelling in a few weeks pray take care that...
560July [24–]25 (Adams Papers)
We left this village and proceeded on our way to Blanford where we put up for the Night. Saw nothing striking in this place and met with poor accommodations oweing chiefly to the Assizes, which were to commence the next Day and the House was nearly occupied when we arrived. We stayd only untill the next morning and then persued our route. Arrived at diner time at Dorchester an other very old...
At the Bath hotel I received my dear Neices Letter of April. I have told your Sister and other Friends why I did not write then, but I should have no excuse to give if I omitted so good an opportunity as now offers by Mr. Storer. This day two months ago we removed here, where I should be much delighted if I could have my Sisters my Cousins and connections round me, but for want of them every...
I congratulate you and the Lady to whom you are united upon your Nuptials, and most sincerely wish you a renewall of all your former happiness, with corresponding dispositions, and inclinations. the domestick circle is alone capable of yealding satisfactions, which an intercourse with the word and all its amusements never can afford. in Buisness or in pleasure the participation of a dear...
The President received your Letter this morning dated 5 Feb’ry. the Rule of the former President not to answer Letters of this nature, he has abided by. his Rule is to place all Canditates for office upon a Book kept for that purpose, and to appoint to office such persons as come best recommended for abilities integrity and industery. in your case he would be particuliarly delicate, for as he...
The Death of my Mother which took place this afternoon very suddenly, will prevent my Sitting out on my journey as I had intended on twesday. we propose to burry her on Monday. I do not think I can get away untill thursday. I shall therefore omit sending Beckey untill fryday. I would wish two places engaged in the Stage as I have an other Girl to go with her, and should like to have them under...
I acknowledge the receipt of Your two favors one of the 9th and one of the 13 th . I am sorry You have felt yourself So much hurt by the report of a Man, whose object is apparent to every candid Mind. he feels himself an appostate, and like the first appostate, he is ready to curse those beams of light and truth which Show the height from which he has fallen. To be wounded in the House of our...
I hear the Alliance is again going to France with the Marquis Fayett and the Count de Noiales. I will not envy the Marquis the pleasure of Annually visiting his family, considering the risk he runs in doing it. Besides he deserves the good wishes of every American and a large portion of the Honours and applause of his own Country. He returns with the additional Merrit of Laurels won at York...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of the raspberry bushes, and the pot of strawberry vines, for which accept my thanks. I have had them placed in a good part of the garden, and shall pay particular attention to them. I hope I shall be able to treat you with a plate of them, when I shall have the pleasure of seeing you at Quincy. Whatever strange events occur in the political world, I think...
I was yesterday at Weymouth where I received your Letter, and the saffron risbands &c. I thank you and Cousin Betsy both; I expect you a thursday, but from all I can find out, I do not think the visit will be to any purpose; there seems to me to be at present a real aversion to change of state. having quited one has no inclination for an other; so things look to me. I am really sorry upon all...
I received your two Letters together of August 26 th . I have every day since designd to write to you, but have not been very well. I do not know the cause yet for many years, the Month of sep’ br has depressed my Spirits more than any other. I believe it always brings with it, some dregs of the old Ague and fever— I most sincerely mourn for the distressess of N york and Philadelphia; but know...
The die is cast. Yesterday brought us such a Speach from the Throne as will stain with everlasting infamy the reign of G e orge the 3 determined to carry into Execution “the acts passd by the late parliment, and to Mantain the authority of the Legislature over all his dominions.” The reply of the house of commons and the house of Lords shew us the most wicked and hostile measures will be...