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Results 541-550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1750–1751 (Philadelphia, 1751), pp. 85–6. Resolved, N. C.D. That it is the Opinion of this House, that the Proprietaries Interest will be so greatly advanc’d by keeping up a firm Peace and friendly Correspondence with the Indians, that they ought to bear a proportionable Part of the Charges expended upon all such Treaties as...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 44–6. To the Honourable Thomas Penn , and Richard Penn , Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. The Representation of the General - Assembly of the said Province, met at Philadelphia, the Twenty-third Day of the Sixth Month, 1751. May it please the Proprietaries , The first...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society As you are curious in Electricity, I take the Freedom of introducing to you, my Friend Mr. Kinnersley, who visits Boston with a compleat Apparatus for experimental Lectures on that Subject. He has given great Satisfaction to all that have heard him here, and I believe you will be pleased with his Performance. He is quite a Stranger in Boston, and as you...
ALS : Yale University Library I receiv’d your Favour of last Month, with the 12 Essays. Sometime since, I mention’d to you a Method of increasing Dung by Leaves; did you receive that Letter? The Collinson you mention is the same Gentleman I correspond with; he is a most benevolent worthy Man, very curious in Botany and other Branches of Natural History, and fond of Improvements in Agriculture,...
ALS : Yale University Library My Daughter receiv’d her Books all in good Order, and thanks you for your kind Care in sending them. Enclos’d is a second Bill for £20 Sterling. The first went per Mesnard. There is a little Book on the Game of Chess, by Philip Stamma, printed for J. Brindley, 1745. If to be had, please to send it me; with the Remaining Vols. of Viner as fast as they are...
Draft: Pennsylvania Hospital The first real estate the Pennsylvania Hospital owned was a lot in the Northern Liberties given by Matthias Koplin. A generous-spirited German, Koplin offered the land through Christopher Saur, being assured, he explained, that the Managers, unlike those of hospitals he knew in Germany, would manage the funds wisely and impartially. His letter was in German; a...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Mr. Warrell on his return from Philadelphia about 3 months ago acquainted me that in Answer to my request He had had a full talk with you on the matter of Electrification and that you are clear in it I may make the Experiment in moderation without any fear of Injury and that you was so kind as to offer to come hither and make the Operation on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did not rite to you last post but it was becase I was taken with the Stomak ake so bad all day that I coold not set up to rite on any acount. My Cozen Kesiah Coffin was hear last week and she was Sorroy that the werkes and letter was not yet printed. She bid me tell you that She Shoold be glad [to know] how soone you coold do them for She wants to have a...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1833), p. 21. My son waits upon you with this, whom I heartily recommend to your motherly care and advice. He is indeed a sober and discreet lad of his years, but he is young and unacquainted with the ways of your place. My compliments to my new niece,...
Draft: New-York Historical Society I had the pleasure of receiving yours with the favour of a copy of your Electrical experiments. My being in this place prevents my reading them with that attention which they deserve and which I intend to do assoon as I shall return home. My Notions on Electricity are confused and indigested. I know not wherein consists the difference between an Electric body...