Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 25 February 1784

To Jean-Baptiste Le Roy

Copy:4 American Philosophical Society

Passy Feb. 25. 1784

My dear Friend

Enclosed I send you a Letter and sundry Papers I lately recd from Mr. Eckhardt of Utrecht,5 a most ingenious Mechanician whom I first knew in London. You will see what he desires, and what Answer I have made him.6 If you can do him any Service, I need not pray you to do it, because you have a Pleasure in assisting Genius: Show if you please what he says of the Balloons, to Mr. Montgolfier. I long to see you, being ever Yours most affectionately

(signed) B. Franklin

Mr. Le Roy.—


[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4In WTF’s hand.

5The letter was dated Jan. 18; no copy of it or its enclosures has been found. BF had BFB make a copy of the postscript concerning balloons, which is published above.

6BF’s reply has not been found.

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