Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from John MacMahon, 11 February 1784

From John MacMahon1

AL: American Philosophical Society

feby the 11th. 1784

Doctor MacMahon presents his best respects to the Honourable Dr. Franklin, and is very Sorry that a pre’engagement hinders him from accepting the honour of his kind invitation for to morrow.

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin Ministre / Plenipotentiaire des Etats Unis / de l’Amerique Septentrionale / à Passy

1One other letter from Dr. MacMahon survives from the period of this volume, addressed to WTF on Dec. 25, 1783. It enclosed a letter that a certain Nantes merchant (whom he calls M. Nanty) had written to MacMahon’s friend George Woulfe, who forwarded it in hopes that BF could be of assistance. MacMahon says that he had told BF about the “poor man’s” situation “several months ago.” APS.

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